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I get asked a question from time to time because of what people hear in the media or from other fish oil companies.
The question is how can we be using krill oil when we are going to deplete the krill population and take away food from the whales.
Let me now present the facts for you here so that you have the answer and know that we will not even come close to depleting this abundant food source for other marine life.
The krill fishery is managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). This comprises of 25 member states and they set allowable catch limits within a precautionary conservative framework.
Our supplier is given a zone where they are allowed to catch krill and this area is called Area 48. The CCAMLR estimates that the total biomass of krill in just this area alone is 37 million metric tons and some scientists estimate this area as high as 208 million metric tons.
The krill catch limit in 2010 was limited to 620,000 tons. The CCAMLR requires that once this limit has been reached all fishing must stop until the overall remaining catch is reallocated over smaller areas within Area 48.
This rule is designed to prevent localized depletion of krill and prevent an impact on localized krill predators which are penguins, fur seals and whales.
Over the last ten years catches have averaged 118,000 tons annually and in 2008 the total catch was 150,000 tons.
So you can see that the current actual catch is nowhere near the precautionary limit of 620,000 tons and is only around 4 percent of the total allowable catch.
How is Krill Used?
Out of the total catch 88% of the krill is used as bait for fishing or aquaculutre, 12% is used for normal food consumption and only 2% is used for supplements such as JayLab Pro Omega Icon.
If Krill Oil use rose by 10 times the supplement industry will still only be using a little over 3% of the total catch limit of 620,000 tons.
Dr. Simeon Hill of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge England recently was quoted saying "The truth is that the krill fishery is managed much better than many other fisheries in the world."
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) was created to protect the ecosystem and make sure that this important food source would never be threatened with extinction. As you can see with the numbers above the krill species is very closely monitored and there will be plenty of krill for whales, penguins and fur seals for many years to come.
Marine Stewardship Council: www.msc.org
NOAA.gov: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/jointplan/mb_krill.html