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If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you are taking in.
And this means that you may need to cut some calories from your diet, or exercise to burn extra calories.
However, in a perfect world, by combining both exercise and cutting a few calories, you may see your weight loss results skyrocket!
Although this combination may work the best, the new thought is showing that TWO motions – while exercising - may release a potent chemical that could provide a boost to your weight loss.
What is that chemical…
I’m glad you asked!
IL-6 and Weight Loss
IL-6 – a chemical derived from the immune system – is useful for reducing inflammation and fighting off infections.
However, new research shows that IL-6 may have a beneficial role in weight loss.
IL-6 – when present in the brain in HIGH amounts – may increase, or stimulate, the production of weight loss hormones in your brain.
Plus, this may also cause reduced feelings of hunger AND better satiety – or satisfaction.
Now, normally your IL-6 levels are extremely low.
But in times of infection, trauma, or other stress, the levels may rise in your body – even in your brain.
And this is where IL-6 may work its magic!
Now, you may be asking how you increase IL-6.
This is a great question!
How to Increase IL-6
Normally IL-6 expression is low in your body.
However, when there is an infection, or a virus, or trauma, your body starts to produce IL-6 – in order to reduce inflammation and speed healing.
However, exercising may also be a way to increase your levels of IL-6.
Current research shows that certain actions during exercise – concentric and eccentric motions to be more precise – may increase the expression of the IL-6 mRNA.
Plus, since both CONCENTRIC and ECCENTRIC muscle contractions may increase IL-6 expression, this could show that IL-6 may increase independent from muscle trauma.
This may be proof that including exercise into your weight loss plan may not only be smart, but could give your body a much needed, secret weight-loss boost.
Increase Your Weight Loss – Naturally
Of course you already know that exercise and cutting back on the foods you eat may help you lose weight.
In fact, if you have ever tried a normal diet and exercise program, then you know first-hand just how effective it may be at helping you to lose weight.
Now, however, exercise – more specifically the concentric and eccentric contractions - may not just be for cutting calories alone, but for increasing a powerful chemical from your immune system.
And this chemical – which fights inflammation and infections – may be able to increase weight loss hormones in your brain, plus control hunger and satisfaction more effectively.
So next time you are hitting the weights at the gym, concentrate on slowly lifting/lowering the weights in order to boost a natural weight loss immune chemical.
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