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Green tea has been used for thousands of years as a way to slow down the aging process and preserve longevity.
In fact, green tea has been a staple in Asian cultures as a way to increase their individual health and wellness.
Next to water, tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world.
Green tea contains many polyphenols and catechins that have been shown to possess powerful antioxidant capabilities.
One such catechin, ECGC, has been shown to reduce damage to DNA, prevent the development of some forms of cancer, and even could aid in weight loss.
ECGC is found mainly in green tea and not in black tea due to production process black tea leave are put through.
That could be one of the reasons why green tea is superior to other forms of tea.
Now, according to a study published in the journal Obesity, ECGC could hold benefits for reducing body weight after consuming a high fat diet.
Let me explain…
ECGC and Weight Loss
The consumption of tea has been shown to provide anti-obesity related effects.
In this study, researchers aimed to see if ECGC could aid in body weight reduction by inhibiting an enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fat into free fatty acids.
The researchers used mice genetically modified to be obese and fed them a high-fat diet.
Half of the rats consumed the high-fat diet in combination with ECGC (.32%) or a placebo for a period of 6 weeks.
After the six weeks, the team of researchers analyzed the rats for body weight gain.
The rats supplemented with ECGC showed a 44% decrease in body weight gain when fed the high-fat diet compared to the control group.
They also noted, that in the fecal matter of the rats administered ECGC, they showed a 29.4% increase in lipid content (more lipid content could be associated with lower dietary fat absorption).
Also, they showed that ECGC inhibited the release of pancreatic lipase, which is an important step in the fat breakdown.
Pancreatic lipase is a powerful enzyme released from the pancreas and is responsible for the breakdown of dietary fat into monoglycerides and free fatty acids.
The researchers concluded that ECGC supplementation could decrease body weight and body weight gained in obese mice fed a high-fat diet.
They also concluded that the reduction in body weight and body weight gain could be due to the inhibitory effects that ECGC has on pancreatic lipase.
Even though this study could hold tremendous promise, it still needs to be verified by more research in order to confirm their findings.
Allowing for more research could potentially provide valuable information that could determine the effectiveness of green tea, specifically ECGC, on weight loss in overweight or obese individuals.
The Amazing Power of Green Tea
Green tea has been shown to possess anti-aging, anti-cancer, and anti-obesity related benefits.
Tea has been widely used as a way to control weight, and now according to this study, could show potential benefits to reducing body weight.
Including more green tea into your daily routine, could aid in weight loss and could even slow weight gain when exposed to different dietary fat levels.
NEXT: More Powerful Weight Loss Benefits Are Found HERE >>