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The Two Moves You Need To Start Today In Order To Change Your Body (better than P90X)
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
You know what I hate?
Insomnia! The fact that my body is so darn tired but I can’t get to sleep, that leaves me flipping through channels, watching one infomercial after another.
Guess what I discovered during my late night TV romps?
Pretty much any fat loss related infomercial promises you FAST results – with very little effort on your part.
You know, you place this “wrap” around your body and you’ll lose 6 inches in 24 hours…
Or the flat belly solutions that require no work on your part.
Truth be told:
These simple gimmicks or expensive gadgets may all be clever marketing trick designed to gouge your wallet or pocketbook
of your hard earned money.
Can you get a flat belly WITHOUT putting in any effort (like diet or exercise)?
Probably not (unless your genetically gifted like that).
The TRUTH About Fat Loss
If you want to lose your stubborn, hard-to-shed belly fat…
Get that lean, toned midsection…
Or even have chiseled legs, abs, and butt…
Then you need to put in the effort. That means you need to exercise the right way…eat the RIGHT type of diet in order to reprogram your metabolism in order so shed the belly fat.
But there’s only one problem:
Millions of people BELIEVE they are doing everything they can to burn the fat and get the teeny, tiny waist they had in high school.
So what do they do? They turn to “spot reduction” or crunch after crunch in order to get a flat belly.
Does it work?
Absolutely NOT! You see, there is no way to “spot reduce” in your body. You simply can’t do it.
The fact is: your body draws on ALL your available energy stores. From your liver and muscles, to all the body fat you have covering your body.
That means when you eat the right diet – and you exercise intensely – you burn fat from all over your body (belly, butt, hips, thighs, etc.) and not just a specific area.
That means doing those endless crunches may not lead to a flat belly!
You may have a tone and stronger belly, but it probably may not lead to the flat belly that everyone will be envious of…
Unless you take care of your diet to focus in overall fat loss!
So how do you go about toning up and shedding some fat?
The TWO Keys to Shedding Ugly Fat
If you want to strip away the fat, then you need a smart approach to fat loss.
Here are three keys to getting a flatter midsection and firmer, tighter abs (and body):
1. Strength Training
If you want to boost your fat loss, you need to hit the gym and lift some weights.
Strength training may lead to stronger, toner, and leaner muscles, which could give you the muscular look you’re after.
Plus, having more lean muscle mass on your body could boost your metabolism, therefore leading to even greater fat loss!
2. The Right Diet
There is plenty to say about abs – and a fat-free body – being made in the kitchen.
If you exercise the right way, but you end up eating tons of junk foods all day, then there’s a much greater chance you will never see your abs..
However, if you include a couple tricks – like eating plenty of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and essential fats – then you may see a flatter midsection in no time at all.
Plus, if you cycle your carbs – yes, the foods they say are BAD for you – then you may see even bigger and better changes in your body.
The Final Straw for Ugly Belly Fat
If you want the body you’ve always dreamed of, then you need to do a few things.
First, you need to stop thinking you can spot reduce. Fat loss occurs from all over your body – and not just your abs, thighs, or butt.
Secondly, you need to exercise. Exercise expends calories PLUS it could add more metabolism-boosting muscle tissue to your body.
And last, you need to eat the right diet. A diet full of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and essential fats could go a long way to boosting your fat loss.
Here is what they NEVER want you to find out about REAL BUTTER:
(Click on the STICK OF BUTTER Below)