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Are You Getting These Things WRONG About Fat Loss?
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
Have you been struggling to lose weight – or more importantly – fat?
Have you tried every single fad diet out there hoping that this NEW one will help you shed the unwanted belly fat?
Are you fed up with all the misconceptions that surround weight, and just want some simple answers?
Well, you’re not alone! There are millions of people just like you who are tired of searching out the answers, only to find that they were on the right path in the first place.
Although there are A LOT of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss, there are THREE that pop into mind when it comes to your health and your success at losing weight.
Three Misconceptions Explained
Now, there are many things that people get RIGHT when it comes to weight loss.
They eat right…
They exercise…
And they reduce stress in order to promote greater fat loss results.
But, there are a few people that still feel that these common misconceptions still hold TRUE for everyone.
The fact is: they DON’T!
Here are some things that you may be getting WRONG about weight, fat, and fat loss:
1. You can be FIT and FAT at the SAME time
Although current studies show this to be true, you need to look a little bit further at WHAT type of fat you’re carrying.
You see, there are two different types: visceral and subcutaneous.
Subcutaneous sits OVER your muscles and acts almost like an insulation (granted it DOES release potent fat busting hormones).
And having a little bit of extra subcutaneous fat may not be as bad for you – since your body may be more metabolically “fit” than others who carry the other type of fat.
Visceral fat – the kind that makes potbellies – is a dangerous type of fat to be carrying.
This type of fat wraps around your internal organs and raises your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other health-related complications.
Having more of this type of fat does not make you “fitter,” but puts you at an increased risk for chronic disease and an early death.
So yes, you can be fit and fat, but you need to understand which type of fat you have, and if that fat is negatively impacting your health.
2. I eat WHATEVER I Want Because I Exercise
This is one of the BIGGEST misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. Your diet is the NUMBER ONE way to lose weight and get rid of years of unwanted belly fat.
If you think that just because you exercise you can eat whatever you want, you have been misled down a dangerous path.
Yes, exercise burns calories and yes, it’s a much needed component to fat loss, but it shouldn’t give you a green light to put whatever you want in your mouth.
Truth be told: Monitoring your calories, eating fiber-rich foods, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and essential fats may be the BEST way to shed the extra weight.
Eating junk food, drinking soda, or adding lots of creamer to your coffee are sure ways to boost your caloric intake and raise your risk of greater gains in fat.
Consuming better quality foods, managing a diet that is moderate in calories, and exercising are sure-fire ways to burn excess fat and improve your health.
3. I’ve Heard That Low-Intensity Cardio Will Help Me Burn MORE Fat
This is an area of hot debate. Yes, low intensity cardio DOES help you burn more fat calories DURING the workout, but what happens after?
Nothing. You stop burning calories the minute you stop your exercise.
Increasing the intensity of the workout will help you burn excess calories DURING the workout, but more importantly, this higher intensity may help you burn MORE after the workout is over.
Plus, higher intensity cardio spares your metabolism-boosting muscle tissue, which means you maintain your metabolism and calorie burn long after.
Skip the low-intensity stuff and increase the intensity a little bit.
You will see far better results with this method than with low-intensity cardio.
Stop Running Around in Circles and Burn MORE Fat Today
If you have been fooled by any one of these misconceptions, then it’s about time you stop the insanity.
Monitoring your calories, eating the right foods, boosting your intensity, and knowing what TYPE of fat is on your body are key steps to discovering unlimited weight loss potential.
These three steps are common things that many people get wrong.
So if you’re interested in boosting your fat loss, then include some of the advice from above for greater fat loss results.
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