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Exercise has been shown by research to increase muscle strength, size, increase endurance of your heart and muscles, and can also aid in weight loss.
Now, however, exercise can also help to improve testosterone levels, which could help you naturally increase your testosterone levels.
Let me explain…
Exercise and Testosterone
Aging can cause your testosterone levels to slowly decrease, potentially leading to weight gain, muscle loss, strength loss, and increased risk for fractures.
This can sometimes be seen as early at the age of thirty, however with most decreases occur around the age of forty and older.
On a day to day basis, testosterone goes through a cycle, where you experience peak levels in the morning with gradual declines throughout the day.
By early evening, your testosterone levels are at its lowest point. However, after reaching the lowest point, your cycle restarts, gradually increasing your testosterone until it reaches peak levels in the morning.
In men, testosterone is produced by the testes, and released into the bloodstream where it penetrates cells in order to do its job.
In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries, but in very small amounts.
Testosterone is the main muscle building hormone found in men.
However, decreases in testosterone can raise your risk for developing heart disease, loss of libido and sex drive, and could even lead to infertility.
In order to maximize your testosterone levels, exercise should be considered as a viable option.
However, with that said there are three keys to remember:
Key #1: Do Your Best Work At Night
Above, it was mentioned that testosterone peaks in the morning and gradually decreases throughout the day.
Research points to strength training as a way to increase your testosterone levels when you exercise.
If you exercise (strength training) at night, then this has the potentially to raise your testosterone levels, giving you and your testosterone the boost it needs to build strength and size.
Key #2: Rest Days
Everyone knows that working out can be stressful on your body.
In fact, too much exercise can cause plateaus, increased cortisol levels and increase risk for injury.
It is always recommended to take at least one day off per week, and give yourself plenty of time to recover in between workouts.
Plus, giving yourself forty-eight hours in between workouts will allow for full recovery of the muscles you just worked.
Exercising everyday has been shown to increase cortisol levels, which has a negative effect on testosterone levels.
So for your testosterones sake, take a day off and let your body heal, recover and start fresh and new for your next workout.
Key #3: The Type and Intensity Does Matter
The type of exercise you do will do wonders for your testosterone levels.
Research shows that strength training can be the best type of exercise to increase your testosterone levels.
By lifting a few weights, your body may naturally release testosterone, creating the perfect hormone blend for making fast gains in lean mass and strength.
NEXT: Could Increasing Your Testosterone Be This Easy? >>