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The effects of emotional eating may cause you to get off the weight loss track – if you’re not careful.
And this could cause a vicious cycle, where you overeat.
Then you feel so horrible for cheating on your diet, that you eat some more.
And in the end, it may lead to loss of motivation, depression, and some serious weight gain.
But don’t despair, there are things that you can include now – and not later – that could get you back on the weight loss track.
Is it the worst thing in the world to gain weight from emotional eating?
But there may be many people that feel otherwise…
What is Emotional Eating?
Have you ever lost your job, or been so stressed out at work that you can’t focus on anything but food from the vending machine?
Or have you had something traumatic happen in your life, only to find comfort in junk food, wine, or other types of alcohol?
Have you simply had something unexpected come up – that may have sent you through the roof – only to find yourself stuffing your face with chips, chocolate, or some other unhealthy snack?
If you have, I can tell you first-hand that you are not alone!
All these situations are classic examples of a time – or many times – when life got you down and you simply ate something to feel better.
Now, it has been shown that the worst – and STRONGEST – cravings may happen when you are at your worst – physically, emotionally, or psychologically.
Stress from your job or loved ones…
A death in the family…
You may be in great debt…
All these reasons may add undue stress to your life or to the lives of others.
And sometimes, people turn to junk food – or unhealthy snacking – in order to soothe themselves.
But this – as mentioned above – can only lead to greater feelings of failure and stress.
All because you feel that you blew it on your weight loss!
These powerful cravings may lead to binge eating – or eating everything in sight.
And, you may not even enjoy half – or all – the foods you just ate!
Plus, all that food may lead to extra calorie eating, which may lead to gaining weight – especially fat!
However, sometimes these powerful cravings and moments can be the turning point to something good.
Now, some people who have such strong cravings, need to be treated medically in order to stop those cravings and get back to the task at hand.
But for most, taking the steps to eliminate emotional eating may go a long way to feeling good about yourself AND losing weight.
So how do you do this?
Tips To Remember for Emotional Eating
Don’t let emotional eating take its toll on your weight loss success.
These three tips may help you control your eating habits – especially in times of greater-than-average stress or when you’re emotionally at a low point:
1. Get Your Stress UNDER CONTROL
First and foremost, you need to get your stress under control.
Stress leads to increased levels of cortisol – which could increase the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin.
And this could cause you to crave unhealthy, carbohydrate-rich foods and sweets.
Easy ways to reduce stress are through exercise, yoga, meditation, massages, or walking.
Try these stress relieving techniques today!
2. Double Check Your Hunger
When you get those hungry feelings, you may first want to check to see if you’re actually hungry!
Sometimes when you are stressed – or bored – you crave foods that you normally wouldn’t.
Here are some things to consider:
Did you just eat a few hours ago?
Is your stomach grumbling?
Do you feel that your hunger is emotional or actually physical?
Answering these questions may give you a better idea if you’re eating because you need to eat, or if you’re eating because you're stressed or bored.
3. Learn From Setbacks
In order to grow from any type of situation, you always need to find the silver lining, so to speak
Every opportunity – good or bad – presents you with a learning experience.
So you should get up, brush yourself off, and get back on the proverbial weight loss horse.
By learning from your emotions, feelings, and the situation, you may find it easier to handle next time around.
Take-Home Message
Emotional eating could be one way to sidetrack your weight loss success.
But if you include these THREE tips – and others – then you may be on the road to controlling your emotional eating and boosting your weight loss again!
NEXT: The #1 Ingredient To Controlling Emotional Eating >>