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By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
I am going to go out on a limb and make a very BOLD statement:
It was EASIER to lose weight 60 years ago than it is today!
Bold right? Crazy to think about, right? Is it true?
The answer is YES, it’s true! The simple fact is, 60 years ago our environment wasn’t nearly as toxic as it is today.
From farm-raised fish who swim in their own feces each day, to crops being covered in deadly, cancer-causing pesticides…
It’s safe to say that the state of our health—and fat loss—is at risk!
Now, even though there are hundreds—if not thousands—of chemicals polluting our air, streams, and fresh water…
…there are still people who believe that we are not overly exposed to toxins and that they don’t do as much damage to our bodies as previously thought.
That may not be entirely true! There is damning evidence that shows these deadly chemicals and toxins are making it so much harder for you to lose weight.
91 Chemicals and Your Body
There are thousands of chemicals that your body is exposed to on an everyday basis.
They are found in the air you breathe…the water you drink…even in the toothpaste you use every day to freshen your breath.
The fact is (according to research) you may have up to 91 (or more) different chemicals floating around in your bloodstream while we speak.
And these chemicals may be adverse health conditions…
…even serious weight gain!
You see, there are chemicals in your environment that cause you to gain weight. These chemicals are in a class of their own and are considered to be “obesogens” or chemicals that cause weight gain.
Just like carcinogens cause cancer, obesogens may cause obesity!
Now, there are literally thousands of chemicals, but these THREE are probably the WORST ones:
1. Hexachlorobenzene
Although banned in the US in 1965, this popular pesticide may still be around today.
This pesticide was used to prevent fungal growth in wheat products. As previously mentioned, it was banned in 1965.
However, it may be formed as a byproduct during other chemical production. It was shown to cause many different health conditions, namely cancer.
It has also been linked to fat gain.
In one study, rats exposed to hexachlorobenzene gained significant body fat compared to those who weren’t exposed to the chemical.
And the worst part: They experienced higher body fat gains even though they ate HALF AS MANY CALORIES!
2. Xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens are synthetic chemicals (sometimes naturally occurring) that are found in the food and water you’re drinking and eating today.
These chemicals imitate estrogen, which could cause many different problems when it comes to hormone production (namely testosterone).
In numerous clinical studies over the years (on both human and animal models), xenoestrogens have been linked to increase weight gain, namely higher body fat gain.
3. PCBs
PCBs are one of the most widely used chemicals and are found in many different foods that you eat every day.
These chemicals may also be found in high levels in fish—even some commercial fish oil products.
Studies show the longer your exposure to PCBs, the greater your body fat levels may be.
Take Home Message
There are literally thousands of chemicals that we are exposed to on an everyday basis.
And these chemicals may cause many different health problems—ranging from cancer to obesity.
Although there may be very little you can do about limiting your exposure to these chemicals…
…there is plenty you may be able to do to protect your body and DETOX organs!
In fact, there is a simple, PROVEN trick to cleanse your body—from the inside out—and melt fat away…
…without using some dangerous detox diet that leaves you starving for more!
Are you interested?
A Simple, Natural Way To Flush Those HIDDEN Toxins That Bloat Your Gut And Rob You Of Your Health