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And to think there weren’t enough reasons to cut back on FAST FOOD, DEEP FRIED FOOD, or DEEP FRIED POTATO CHIPS…
Here is another reason!
Besides FAT gain, deep frying foods has also been linked to heart disease, being overweight or obese, and now it has been linked to a very serious condition in men…
And if you’re not careful, this disease may KILL you.
What am I talking about? Prostate cancer!
Why should you be concerned?
In 2009, over 206,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer.
And of those 206,000 men, over 28,000 of them died from prostate cancer.
You may be asking what the connection is…
Deep Fried Food and Prostate Cancer
When you look at a piece of fried chicken – what is your first response to it? Do you think tasty, delicious, and a must have?
Or do you think diabetes, artery clogging, and nausea?
For hundreds – if not thousands – of people, the first instinct may tasty and delicious and very appetizing.
And for the others, well, they may know better and go with the other.
Whichever boat you fall in, greasy, deep-fried chicken, fish, vegetables, and desserts may be the worst thing to consume if you’re seeking good health and wellness.
Not to mention weight loss!
But if that didn’t convince you, then maybe this will:
A new study shows that consumption of deep fried foods – possibly due to the heat index or the oil – may increase a man’s risk for developing prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is the NUMBER ONE cause of cancer-related deaths among men in most developed nations.
What did they find?
I’m glad you asked…
They found a positive association for prostate cancer risk and more than ONCE a week consumption of French fries, fried chicken, fried fish, and doughnuts compared to people who didn’t consume fried foods at all!
And, the estimates were STRONGER for more of the aggressive diseases.
Although most chips are fried, they did not find an association between chip intake and prostate cancer.
They concluded:
“Regular consumption of select deep fried foods is associated with increased PCa risk.”
Although they do state more research is needed to determine if it is related to specific deep fried foods, the high heat index, or the oil used, it does show the risk associated with increase fried food consumption.
Take Home Message
Although there is plenty of press related to how bad deep-fried food may be for your body, there are still many people who eat – and enjoy – deep fried products.
And, many of them do know the inherited risks associated with deep-fried foods, which includes:
• Increased heart disease risk
• Increased weight
• Increased blood pressure
• Increase cholesterol
• And not, an increased risk for prostate cancer (men)
So what should you do?
First, you should cut way back on your intake of deep-fried foods.
This may result in positive changes to your health – leaving you feeling healthier and able to take on the world.
Secondly, you should include different nutrients that may help to improve your health.
Things such as nuts, grains, fiber-rich foods, healthy oils, and omega-3 fatty acids may all serve to better your health and improve your well-being.
Not convinced?
Well, then you need to read more about this FAT and the wonders it may hold for your health…