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America has a large problem. The obesity epidemic is reaching epic proportions.
Compared to 20 years ago, more and more states have higher rates of obesity.
Lack of exercise, eating too many refined foods, and eating on the run top the list of trends which need to be broken to curb obesity around the world and in our own backyard!
For the majority of us, we fall for simple food traps that destroy our fat burning goals and most of the time we have no idea we’re doing it!
Here are the Top Five Fat-Gaining Mistakes we all make:
Mistake #1: Limiting Fat-Burning Fiber In Our Diets
On average, Americans are not getting enough fiber. People tend to stay away from whole-grain products and they don’t eat the proper servings of fruits and vegetables.
Fiber works and has many benefits. But there are two chart toppers. First, when having both types of fiber in the diet, you feel fuller, helping to curb the snacking in between meals or after a meal.
Second, fiber is a great way to monitor blood sugar and control insulin levels. Results: no low peaks and valleys where you lack energy and drive.
Advice: Eat more whole-wheat food products or sprouted-wheat products, get plenty of fruits and vegetables, and increase your fiber intake slowly. This will help prevent extra bloating and gas associated with quick fiber increase. Aim for 25-35 grams of fiber per day to destroy stubborn belly fat.
Mistake #2: Our plates are just not colorful
Plain and simple, we are just not eating enough healthy fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are filled with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, plenty of fiber, and are low in calories, helping you trim the waistline while enjoying your favorite healthy snack.
Research shows that having an apple before a meal, made the participants eat less.
Advice: Color your plate with plenty of reds, oranges, and yellows. This provides plenty of fiber, nutrients, and low-calorie tidbits which curb your appetite and leave you less hungry, preventing you from overeating.
Mistake #3: Eating only 1, 2, or 3 meals in a day - Can Lead To More FAT
Not eating frequently throughout the day will destroy your metabolism.
Eating more often helps regulate blood sugar and gives your metabolism the boost it needs to burn calories throughout the day.
The problem is that not everyone has the time or the healthiest food options to snack on.
Advice: Try eating 4-6 small meals throughout the day. Incorporate fruit, whole foods, and lean proteins to help keep you satisfied while meeting your nutritional needs.
The meals should be around 200-400 calories, and have plenty of heart-healthy fiber and belly-fighting fruits and vegetables
Mistake #4: Hidden Calorie Pitfalls
There are hidden calories no matter where you go. The servings of food you get at fast food joints have increased in size and calories. This results in an equal increase in our waistlines.
If you have to eat out, take the right steps to avoid hidden calories.
Get dressing on the side, package half of the meal to go, split your morning breakfast muffin or bagel, and get creamers, sugar, and other condiments on the side.
Advice: Beware of hidden food traps. Try to eat breakfast at home which will make you less apt to stop for a calorie-loaded bagel or muffin. Get toppings on the side, giving you more control of the amount of calories going in your body.
Mistake #5: Limiting muscle-building, fat-burning protein
Unfortunately, there are hundreds of diet plans on the market today, making it hard for people to understand how to feed their fat burning machine.
Incorporating adequate protein intake into your diet leaves you satisfied and feeling fuller for longer periods of time, which curbs your appetite.
Protein also provides essential amino acids which help to repair and stimulate growth of muscle tissue, keeping your fat burning machine active.
Advice: Consume more lean proteins from sources such as eggs, lean grass-fed red meat, fish, and poultry
Mistake #6:. You Eat Junk AFTER Your Workout
There’s nothing worse than working super hard, exhausting yourself during a workout, then finishing it off with some Krispy Cremes or Dunkin Donuts.
This absolutely KILLS any gains you may have made during the workout – and after the workout!
If you want to maximize your gains, then you want to eat the right foods – and at the right time – about 45 minutes to an hour after your workout.
So, what are the right foods to eat? You should be eating something with some fast acting carbs, plus something with protein.
Not only does a small meal like this work really well after a workout, but it replenishes your body with the nutrients (water, glucose, and amino acids) that your body needs to heal and recover.
Result = bigger and better gains!
Advice: If you want to add benefits after your workout is over, you need the right mix of protein and carbs. Mixing our JayLab Pro Protein with milk will give you the protein you need, plus will give you the carbhydrates your body needs to replenish your lost supply.
Mistake #7: You Skip Your Cool-Down
Say you’re running hard on the treadmill…
…and you just finished your last sprint and you hop off the treadmill. What happens?
For some, nothing may happen. But for some, they may pass out.
What happens? Since your heart is running as such a high pace and you STOP immediately, the muscles in your legs may stop contracting – or they are not contracting at such a rate.
This could lead to blood pooling in your legs, which could lead to someone passing out (less blood in the head).
So, for your sake, don’t skip the cool down. The cool down is designed to slowly lower your heart rate, which helps keep blood and nutrients moving throughout the body.
This is an extremely important aspect to training and should NEVER be skipped. Just spend a few minutes (10 to 15 minutes) on the treadmill or bike at a slow pace.
Your body will love you for it!
Advice: If you got time to workout and check Facebook, you have time for a cool down. Not only will it flush toxins, it could help with your post-recovery and possibly delaying post-muscle soreness. It's also a great time to add in flexibility to keep your joints healthy.
Mistake #8. You’re Sipping on Sugar
There are a lot of post-workout drinks on the market that are geared at improving health – and aiding in your post-workout recovery.
However, most of these drinks may be nothing but blood sugar spiking drinks in disguise.
Most commercial energy drinks may have the electrolytes and water that your body needs, but it comes at a price.
A typical drink may contain upwards of 15 to 20 grams of sugar in a 20 ounce serving.
Having too much sugar in your diet may destroy any positive gains you made in the gym.
Advice: Always check your protein shakes and bars for added sugar. Eliminating excess sugar in your diet is one fast way to lose inches and belly fat.
Avoiding these 8 Fat-Loss Mistakes will help you lose weight and help keep your metabolism from going through the roof. This will get and help KEEP the body of your dreams for years to come!
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