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In today’s world, the message of living a healthy lifestyle is everywhere. Gyms are popping up on every corner, and there are new ideas on the best way to lose weight also popping up every day. The fact is, for weight loss, increasing the amount of calories we expend over the amount of calories we ingest, is the key to losing weight.
There is no super secret science behind weight loss, and no super pill to magically make the fat disappear. It takes a long time for people to put on weight, so you should expect it to take equal, or more time, to take it off. The fact is, when we reduce our calories, and increase our activity and lean mass on the body, we also alter our metabolism.
Metabolism, in simple terms, is how the body processes things in order for us to maintain life. It has been shown that by having extra body fat, in combination with inactivity, slows metabolism since we are not moving enough to expend more and require more energy. Now when we do add physical activity into the mix, either through cardiovascular exercise or strength training, we are increasing energy expenditure and also increasing lean mass on the body, which can lead to increases in our metabolism. What happens, though, when exercise and diet just aren’t enough?
You have probably seen many ads in magazines or on television touting weight loss supplements that are designed to increase metabolism and help shed unwanted pounds. Pills can help shed unwanted pounds, however, only if they are used in combination with exercise and the right diet (LeptiSense is a perfect example of a supplement that only works with this exact formula). The right nutrient combination has to be present, especially a relatively old spice, but becoming more widely used as a way to help lose weight.
Capsaicin is the pungent part of the chili pepper that is responsible for the heat of the chili pepper. This new ingredient has gotten a lot of press for its fat burning potential and effects that it has in the body on increasing metabolism.
Capsaicin Thermogenesis In The Body
Capsaicin has been researched both in humans and in non-human subjects. Both subjects have proven that Capsaicin is beneficial in increasing thermogenesis because of β-adrenergic stimulation. Yoshioka showed that people who ate a meal containing a large level of red pepper, showed a significant increase in energy expenditure and fat oxidation and utilization. In non-human subjects, mainly rats, introduction of capsaicin showed a significant increase in the sympathetic nervous system response. This resulted in an increase in fat mobilization to the muscle tissue, and a decrease in storage of body fat.
One interesting thing to note was the introduction of a different form of capsaicin, CH-19, which is a sweeter form of capsaicin. One aspect that the researchers noted was that the response to weight loss, specifically body fat loss, was dependent on participant adherence to the dose.
They found that the results tended to decrease as time went on because the participants were not taking in the right amount to elicit the correct response. The introduction of this sweeter form showed an increase in oxygen consumption and body temperature, which can be signs of a rising metabolic response.
Capsaicin and Satisfaction
Research done by Plantenga showed some interesting facts about how capsaicin can elicit a satisfied response in the body. They introduced capsaicin two ways, by consuming capsaicin in either tomato juice, or through the use of 2 pills and tomato juice. They observed that both groups opted for better meal choices by choosing meals that were lower in fat content and higher in carbohydrate content. Both groups showed an increase in satisfaction from food choices.
Capsaicin and Suppression of Body Fat
As explained earlier, one of the reasons speculated for the surprising effects of capsaicin is the effect that capsaicin has on the sympathetic nervous system. Increases in the sympathetic nervous system resulted in the suppression of body fat accumulation, especially the visceral fat, or the bad fat. Not only did it reduce body fat accumulation, but it also reduced body weight in some of the subjects.
So, the next time you are looking to spice up your food, choose the chili peppers and the heat to increase not only the taste and experience of your food, but also the wonderful fat burning potential they have.
The Most Important Discovery For Weight Loss In The Last 50 Years >>
Kawabata, P. Inoue, N. Yazawa, S. Kawada, T. Inoue, K. Fushiki, T. Effects of CH-19, a non pugent cultivar of Red Pepper, on decreasing Body Weight and Suppressing Body Fat Accumulation by Sympathetic Nerve Activiation in Humans. Laboratory work at Laboratory of Nutrition Chemistry.
Inoue, N. Matsunaga, Y. Satoh, H. Takahashi, M. Enhanced Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation in Humans with High BMI Scores by the ingestion of Novel and Non-Pugent Capsaicin Analogues (Capsinoids). Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 71 (2), 380-389, 2007.
Westerterp-Plantenga, MS. Smeets, A. Lejeune, MPG. Sensory and gastroinstestinal satiety effects of capsaicin on food intake. Internation Journal of Obesity. (2005) 29, 682-688.
Diepvens, K. Westerterp, K. Westerterp-Plantenga, MS. Obesity and thermogenesis related to the consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea. Am J Physiol Regul, Integr Comp Physiol. 292:R77-R85, 2007.