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Being overweight may not only be unappealing to you, but it may also be unappealing to the cells in your body.
The reason being: extra weight – even as much as 10 extra pounds – may lead to dysfunction in some of the cells in your body, therefore rendering them unable to do their job.
But there is a silver lining…
If you lose weight, almost guaranteed, the cells in your body may start to become healthier and happier.
Now, let’s go back to dysfunction in your cells for a minute…
When you cells are dysfunctional, or sick – especially your fat cells – than they may not be able to do their job correctly.
And the job of fat cells is to take in extra dietary fat and sugar and store it for later use.
However, when they are inflamed (dysfunctional), then they may not be able to store the fatty acids, or release fatty acids, in order to take on more, which may mean only one thing…
Fat being stored in other areas of your body – like your liver, muscles, and sometimes even your kidneys!
And this may be disastrous to your health – as well as the health of the rest of your body.
Now, for a minute, let’s focus this discussion on fat stored in your kidneys…
Fatty Kidneys
Now, when there is damage to the cells in your body, most of the time it comes from oxidative stress – or your body’s inability to handle the extra damage caused by free radicals.
Think of free radicals as a car that has lost control and is running into anything –and everything – in its way until it finally runs into something and stops.
If you look back from the starting point, there may be massive damage along the way and not enough help to repair it.
Now, think of that scenario in your body, with your cells, and how much damage may be caused and not having enough of a response team to repair all the damage.
What are you left with? Inflammation!
And lots of it!
Now, this may translate into any area of your body, muscles, fat cells, liver, pancreas…
You name it, that area may be affected.
Now, when you are overweight and fat starts to deposit in other areas, like your kidneys, your kidneys may have a harder time doing its job – which is to rid the body of harmful toxins.
And guess what, oxidative stress may play a large role in this process.
Now, there is ONE nutrient (among many others) that has been researched extensively for its positive effects on inflammation and oxidative stress.
And that nutrient is grape seed extract, as well as grape skin extract.
Now, a new study just published, may show a strong link between grape seed and grape skin extract and its ability to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and kidney lipotoxicity.
Granted this study was done on mice, but it may pose tremendous health benefits in humans in the near future.
Here’s what they found:
Now, rats were fed either a standard diet or a high-fat diet supplemented with grape seed extract and grape skin extract or nothing at all (control).
The researchers noticed that the high-fat diet increased triglyceride deposits in the kidney, as well as, changes in the function of the kidney – which may be tell-tale signs of both oxidative stress and a depletion of copper from the kidneys.
But here is the AWESOME part…
They showed that grape seed and grape skin extract was able to halt almost ALL-FAT INDUCED KIDNEY DISTURBANCES.
They concluded:
“Grape seed and skin extract exerted potential protection against fat-induced kidney lipotoxicity and should find potential application in other kidney-related diseases.”
A Potent Extract
Grape seed and grape skin extract both contain very powerful antioxidants and polyphenols that may improve the health inside your
Plus, grape seed extract, may be a potent nutrient for turning the hands of time BACK and regaining your vitality.
Now, the results of this study show, that grape seed and grape skin extract may have a more reaching effect when it comes to a high-fat diet.
Supplementing with one – or both – of these powerful nutrients may provide your body with the power to prevent inflammation due to high levels of oxidative stress.
So go ahead, give grape seed extract, grape skin extract, or the combination of the two a try today!
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