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Healthy bacteria that aid in digestion have been shown to also play a key role in the body's immune system. JayLab Pro Nutrition is hoping you take advantage of their Probiotic ssupplement.
WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA – ALTHOUGH most people associate bacteria with causing infection and disease, billions of beneficial bacteria thrive in the intestines of every healthy person. Jaylab Pro Nutrition, one of the nation's leading manufacturers of health and diet supplements, has taken a closer look at these bacteria's role in the immune system and defense against infection – and included a potent blend of the probiotics in their newly reformulated Probiotic formula.
Scientists have long known that colonies of “good” bacteria thrive in the digestive tract. Inititally these bacteria were viewed as primarily aiding in digestion. But increasingly, studies have shown that they also play a crucial role in defending the body from incoming toxins, pathological bacteria and germs.
“Most people receive an abundant supply of probiotics from their mother's milk as infants,” explained Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, JayLab Pro Nutrition CEO and the Director of Research. “Unfortunately those bacteria can be lost in a number of ways. Anytime you take a course of antibiotics – such as to combat common illnesses – you endanger the colony of friendly bacteria who are helping you stay healthy.”
Jaylab Pro has focused on two key bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Both help fight inflammation and block unhealthy bacteria from entering the body. In trials, supplements of Lactobacillus have also suppressed the body's response to allergens, effectively blocking a severe allergic reaction from happening at all.
“The most impressive results have to do with the respiratory tract,” Hunter said. “Based on the available research, these bacteria help suppress unnecessary inflammation. That means they help fight off the worst symptoms of colds and flu, as well as asthma and allergies. Less inflammation means less discomfort and an easier time breathing.”
Bifidobacterium longum and bifidum are considered the king of bacteria. They both help to boost a healthy gut bacterial colony that bolsters the immune system according to Jayson.
Now add in the cutting edge Stability Shieldtm technology and you can sure you are getting live active probiotics that work.
JayLab Pro Probiotics includes a blend of both of the two beneficial bacteria, as well as key nutrients to improve and strengthen you gut bacterial population. One serving of Probiotics contains over 15 BILLION active and live cultures.
About JayLab Pro
Jaylab Pro Nutrition was founded by fitness experts who wanted to find higher quality supplements for their clients. Jaylab Pro emphasizes careful scientific research and testing, and distributes its supplements only through qualified medical and health professionals. More information can be found here >>.