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By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD
With an energetic 10 month-old crawling around my house, getting into everything imaginable and wanting lots of attention, it’s hard enough to find time to shower, let alone eat well some days. I also run my own bootcamp business and work as an independent contractor for 4 different companies. So, “busy” is not an unheard word in my vocabulary.
However, I do make an effort to eat very well 90% of the time – and, it’s really hard not to eat well when I’ve studied and researched nutrition for more than 12 years . Currently I’m still nursing my daughter full-time (she does eat solid foods, but still has quite a bit of breast milk) and exercise intensely at least once per day, so my intake may be higher than a woman not nursing or working out as hard.
Here’s what a typical day looks like for me on a very busy day. On less active day, my food intake is lower:
Get up at 4am to teach bootcamp classes at 5:15 to 7:15am
Pre-workout/teaching at 4:45am:
1 scoop Jaylab Pro Protein with 1 Tbsp Ground Flaxseed and Water
Post-workout at 7:30am:
1 scoop Jaylab Pro Workout
Breakfast at 8:30:
Two Omega-3 Eggs with 1 Cup Egg Whites and Spinach
1 Whole Grapefruit
Supplements: Active Core Complex, Omega Icon
Morning Snack at 10:30am:
Handful of Nuts
Sliced Cucumbers
Lunch at 12pm:
Big Salad made with Baby Spinach, Olives, Beets, Shredded Carrots, Cucumbers, Tomatoes (in the summer), and 1 can Mussels and 1 can Sardines (packed in water). Topped with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar.
Mid-day Snack at 2pm:
Smoothie made with Jaylab Pro Protein, Berries, Spinach, Flax Oil and Cashews
Second Mid-day Snack at 430pm:
Ground Turkey (cooked) with Salsa
Green beans
Teach bootcamp class 5:30 to 6:30pm
Dinner at 8pm:
A large helping of some type of turkey, pork or fish
Large serving of Green Beans or Asparagus
Salad with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Dressing
Bed at 9:30-10pm
As you can see I live a pretty active life and am always on the go so I have to make sure I properly nourish my body with the correct quality nutrients so I can get up the next day and do it all over again.