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Be Sure To Check Out The New Content Below That Will Help Strengthen Your Heart and Reduce Your Risk For Heart Disease
We are going to share resources and content so that you fully understand how powerful our Omega Icon is for improving your heart health.
Also, all this month you can save 20% off any Omega Icon option. Just use code ICON20 and save 20% while reducing your risk for heart disease or a heart attack.
As many of you know we have been an advocate for Krill Oil since 2007. The research has continued to grow since we started 17 years ago and stronger than ever.
Now let's dive into everything we know and love about our Omega Icon and Krill Oil.
There are over 50+ Human Clinical Studies and over 135 total studies on Krill Oil conducted on brain support, heart support, joint support, liver support, skin support, dry eye support, PMS support, sports performance support and immune wellness support.
That shows just how beneficial consuming Omega Icon (Krill Oil) is every day.
Krill are abundant small, shrimp-like crustaceans that live in the ocean and are rich in multiple key nutrients.
• One of the largest marine biomasses
• Lay 10,000 eggs at the time
• Glow in the dark
• Size of a paper clip
• Swarms are visible from the moon
As we kick the week off let's start with a broad overview to give you a general understanding of Omega Icon (Krill Oil) and then we will dive into more specfics such as how it helps relieve PMS symptoms, joint discomfort and even protect our skin.
Resource #2: Power Of Phospholipids
Krill Oil (Omega Icon) From Catch To Capsule Part 1
I have some more great articles for below. The first one is a question we should start asking ourselves about fish oil and if it is time to give up on eating more fish and fish oil supplements.
The second article is meant for women and especially those that suffer more than normal with PMS symptoms each month.
Check them out below!
Is It Time To Give Up On Fish Oil >>
Can Krill Oil Help Relieve PMS Symptoms >>
What is the Omega-3 Index?
The Omega-3 Index is very important to your overall health. Having a low omega-3 index could increase your risk for heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure.
It could also lead to memory and concentration issues, joint pain and inflammation, and weight gain.
In this short video, you’re going to learn:
Multiple clinical trials have shown us long chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids are essential to improving certain blood markers and allowing us to maintain a healthy body.
They have been linked to the prevention of some cancers, improved immune system, eye health, as well as cardiovascular disease.
Phospholipids are gaining popularity because studies are showing that krill oil has more benefit with a lower quantity because it is more efficiently utilized by the body.
Read up here on how this is better utilized by the body >>
Some newer research has shown us how Krill Oil helps us with joint mobility and improved joint comfort. Here is what we know.
The Role of Krill Oil in Preserving Lifelong Joint Function
5 Things You Can Do To Avoid A Heart Attack
Don't forget all this month you can save 20% off any Omega Icon option using code ICON20. Get Started Here