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This Discarded Part of the Coffee Plant Could Grow Your Brain Cells
…How the powerful shell of the coffee plant may be responsible for regenerating your brain cells!
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
The human body (and brain) is absolutely stunning. Not only to look at…
…but from the inside looking out—it’s absolutely amazing. Think about it for a moment…
Your body regenerates blood cells every 60 to 90 days…
Your skin is regenerated and completely new every few weeks…
And some other cells in your body regenerate every few months. Scientifically, it’s simply amazing to know and to understand.
As a lay person, you may not truly understand what this means for you and your health! Even though your body does regenerate, what were you always told about your brain cells?
“Brain Cells Die and Don’t Have the Chance to Regenerate. You’re born with a certain number of brain cells and after 18, your brain cells start to die, which could increase your chances of developing age-related diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.”
But here’s the funny thing:
Your Brain Cells DO REGENERATE!
I know, it’s crazy to think about, but your brain does a very good job of regenerating lost brain cells. The process, called neurogenesis, happens almost every single day of your life.
In fact, right now, you’re REGENERATING brain cells—just sitting there!
And guess what? It’s not going to stop when you turn 18…or 50…or even 80! The process of growing new brain cells (again, neurogenesis) is going to continue for the rest of your life.
See, your body IS simply amazing, isn’t it?
Now, the big question remains: What do you need to do to keep your brain regenerating cells?
Well, the answer is pretty simple…
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Growth Factor (BDNF) and Your Brain
Brain-derived neurotrophic growth factor—or BDNF for short--is a growth hormone for your brain cells. Without it, your brain cells will have a hard time regenerating, therefore accelerating your risk for those age related diseases dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Now, one way to increase BDNF is through aerobic exercise. The more running, biking, and swimming you do, the more BDNF will be released in your brain.
But there’s only one problem:
Cardio, or aerobic exercise, may be extremely BORING. Yes, it’s completely beneficial to your health (not, just limited to brain, but your heart and your weight loss may benefit).
Even though it’s boring, you still need to do it in order to improve your health—and that includes your brain health.
Besides doing more cardio to fill up your day, there are many different nutritional supplements that may also increase your BDNF levels.
Turmeric, the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, and others may also lend a hand to increasing BDNF levels in your brain.
But there is one other natural solution that may increase your BDNF levels—and it may come from the least expected thing:
The coffeebean! But it’s not the coffee or the caffeine that is responsible for boosting BDNF…it’s actually the FRUIT of the plant that may give you the most benefit.
This is the perfect time for you to meet the Coffeeberry!
If you’ve never heard of Coffeeberry, get ready to be amazed…
Coffeeberry and Brain Cell Regeneration
Like I mentioned previously, in order to boost your brain health and enhance your ability to regenerate brain cells, you need higher levels of BDNF circulating in your brain.
One way to do that is by increasing your aerobic exercise each day and week. The other, less boring way, is to consume more
Coffeeberry, which is the FRUIT of the coffee plant, is grown high in the mountains near the equator. Even though this berry is pounded by the strongest rays of the sun, it is able to grow, thrive, and ripen to provide one of the most powerful fruits on this earth.
It’s loaded with polyphenols and procyanidins that have been shown to protect many of the cells in your body—including your brain.
In a recent study, researchers were able to show that Coffeeberry (and not coffee itself) was able to significantly increase BDNF levels in your brain.
They took 20 young adults (between the ages of 25 and 35) and gave different groups powdered Coffeeberry fruit, coffee, or a placebo.
Remarkably, but not unexpected, the group who received the whole Coffeeberry extract nearly DOUBLED their BDNF levels.
To make the argument even stronger for Coffeeberry, another study showed that participants taking whole fruit Coffeeberry extract, showed a 143 percent INCREASE in BDNF levels.
Here’s what the research actually concluded: “The collected data revealed that treatments with N31 and N677 increased levels of plasma BDNF by about 31 % under these experimental conditions, whereas treatment with WCFC increased it by 143 % (n 10), compared with baseline. These results indicate that WCFC could be used for modulation of BDNF-dependent health conditions.”
And it wasn’t done with coffee…
Or with tea…
It was done with whole fruit Coffeeberry extract!
Protect Your Brain By Growing New Brain Cells
As you get older, your brain cells start to die off. Or that’s what we’ve been told. In actuality, your brain undergoes a process of neurogenesis, or the production of new brain cells.
However, it doesn’t do this on its own—it needs a powerful hormone to stimulate the production and growth of new brain cells.
And that hormone is BDNF—or brain-derived neurotrophic growth factor. Basically, this is growth hormone, but for your brain cells.
But the problem is this:
As you get older, levels of BDNF may start to decline, therefore not giving your brain adequate protection against age-related diseases, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.
However, there are ways to increase it! You may be able to give your BDNF levels a boost by doing more aerobic exercise during the week.
Besides aerobic exercise, you may also be able to take Turmeric or the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA in order to increase the amount of BDNF in your brain.
And now, Coffeeberry has been added to the mix!
If you’re concerned about YOUR brain health and want to protect it for years to come, then I suggest you get more Coffeeberry into your diet plan.
Not sure how to do that?
On the next page, I am going to show you a way that could DOUBLE your BDNF levels or even increase your BDNF levels by a whopping 143 percent!
Just click the link below to possibly protect your heart, fight back against high cholesterol, improve your weight loss, and stimulate the production of new brains cells—in as little as 2-seconds each day:
Be sure to SHARE this powerful article on your favorite social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.
Reyes-Izquierdo T, Argumedo R, Shu C, Nemzer B, Pietrzkowski Z. Stimulatory Effect of Whole Coffee Fruit Concentrate Powder on Plasma Levels of Total and Exosomal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Healthy Subjects: An Acute Within-Subject Clinical Study. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2013 June.
Reyes-Izquierdo T, Nemzer B, Shu C, Huynh L, Argumedo R, Keller R, Pietrzkowski Z. Modulatory effect of coffee fruit extract on plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy subjects. Br J Nutr. 2012. July 30.