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Here are the top five Tips for Increasing Weight Loss
1. Don't Have a FAT Phobia
Many people tend to shy away from FAT when they are trying to lose weight.
Are you one who has adopted a low-fat lifestyle in order to protect your heart - or even increase your weight loss?
Although mainstream media puts a harmful light on fat, the simple fat fact is:
Your body needs it!
Many of the cells in your body are comprised of fatty acids, and dietary fats are necessary for normal cellular function.
Besides that, healthy omega-3 fatty acids (like the fats found in some fish, fish oil, and Krill oil) have been shown in research to increase FAT burning.
And this could lead to increased weight loss!
For the sake of your weight, incorporate healthy fats from sources such as wild caught fish, avocados, coconut oil/milk, and flaxseeds.
2. AVOID These Drinks - at all costs
The number one drink to avoid if you want to lose weight: sugar sweetened beverages.
Any drink where there is added sugar may be a recipe for disaster when it comes to weight loss.
Added sugar may spike your blood sugar, which could result in a spike in your insulin levels.
And this could result in more of that sugar being stored as fat instead of being used for energy.
Plus, sugar-sweetened beverages are full of empty calories that do nothing but add fat to your hips, abs, and thighs.
3. Adopt the Interval Lifestyle
Intervals - which could be brisk walking, running, or intense body weight circuits - are a great way to boost your fat burning, while preserving your lean muscle mass.
It has been shown, that interval training can burn MORE calories during the workout - which may come from fat stores -than doing regular cardio exercise.
This may build metabolism-boosting lean muscle, which will burn even more calories, and give you the lean, mean, fighting machine look.
4. Be Good to Yourself - in MODERATION
Not everyone can stay on a diet forever.
And this is exactly why you need to treat yourself once in a while.
Allowing yourself forbidden foods may not only boost your weight loss, but it will satisfy any cravings you may have.
By allowing yourself to cheat (common sense cheating), you may fight off cravings which could prevent you from over-indulging in your favorite foods.
5. Be Sure To EAT MORE
Now, this tip may be a little hard to swallow.
One of the easiest ways to increase fat and weight loss is to take a good, hard look at how many calories you are eating.
If you are not eating enough, then your body may hold on to fat (times of starvation) and burn more of your lean muscle mass for energy.
This not only slows down your metabolism, but it may even increase your body fat percentage.
If you seriously want to lose weight - and keep it off- you should try to aim for three square meals a day with two to three small snacks in between those meals.
This could boost your metabolism, and prevent your body from using your lean muscle mass as an energy source.
There You Have It
Try these five tips in order to burn fat, build muscle, and get in the best shape of your life!
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