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Worried about getting sick? Can’t afford last minute doctor’s appointments or missing time at work? Are you worried you’re one illness away from something bad?
The truth is: Everyone is worried about getting sick. Even if you don’t have a pre-existing condition…you may still be worried that your next cold, or even the flu, is going to put you out of commission for a long time.
But I do have some good news:
Your body, although complicated, does have a unique system for keeping you healthy, and illness-free. It’s called your immune system. These specialized cells, organs, and molecules do their best to keep nasty viruses and bacteria from destroying your health.
These pathogenic (illness-causing) bugs are all around you—and the stronger your immune system is, the less likely these bugs will make you sick. So how can you make sure your immune system is strong and healthy?
By using these 5 simple tips, PROVEN to boost your illness-fighting immune system, and making it a strong, and healthy system—no matter what season you’re in.
Table of Contents
What Is Your Immune System?
The Simple Stressors Tanking Your Immune System
The 5 Ways To Bolster Your Immune System—and Fight Off Most Infections That Come Your Way
What Is Your Immune System?
Your immune system is one of the most complex systems in your body. But to put it simply:
Your immune system is a series of organs, chemicals, and molecules that prevent outside germs from making you sick.
Although your immune system is complex, there are two distinct components that should help you understand how your immune system works to keep you healthy.
Those two systems are:
Innate and Adaptive Immunity.
Often times, you’re exposed to viruses on an everyday basis. And those viruses may, or may not, make you sick. If they don’t make you sick, it’s probably because you were previously exposed to it, and your body has a memory of that virus.
So it knows, if that virus invades your body, to fight it and prevent it from making you ill or sick. This is often called your Adaptive immune system—because your body has “adapted” to this virus, and remembers it, so it knows to attack and kill on contact.
This may also be the system that eliminates the cells that could cause cancer.
Your adaptive immune system is often your second line of defense—meaning it often acts if a pathogenic virus or bacteria make it past your first line of defense—your innate immune system.
Innate immunity is often called your first line of defense. This system is like body armor, and keeps things out of your body.
Your skin…stomach acid…saliva…gut bacteria….and your mucous membranes are all part of your innate immunity.
It keeps viruses out…and helps keep the cells inside you healthy.
Sometimes, however, viruses do make it past your first line of defense, and make it into your body where it replicates—leading to a cold, the flu, or some other illness.
That’s when other cells, like killer cells and phagocytes, start working to destroy the illness-causing germs, so you can start feeling better, and returning your body to homeostasis.
But what happens when your immune system is weak?
If your immune system is weak, you’re more likely to see one of the viruses grab hold and make you sick…
And this is why it’s important to have a strong immune system—so you can stay healthy all year long.
The Simple Stressors Tanking Your Immune System
The status of your immune system is not only dictated by things that you can control, but also factors that may be out of your control.
Even though you may not be able to control everything that weakens your immune system, you can minimize the effects they have on your immune system.
Some of those factors include:
1. Your Current Health Status
If you have pre-existing conditions, you may be at risk for a weaker immune system. Diseases, such as diabetes, leukemia, and some autoimmune disorders, may prevent you from fighting off viruses and bacteria.
In the case of autoimmune disorders, your immune system may attack healthy cells, which might weaken your response when a threat does present itself.
2. Certain Medications
In order to fight some of the diseases that impact your body, you need to shut down the immune response to make you healthier.
And certain medications are used to suppress the immune system so you can treat whatever disorder you have. Also, most cancer treatments shut down your immune response, leaving your body susceptible to viruses and bacteria.
3. Smoking
You already know that smoking may cause cancer. But I bet you didn’t know that it makes it harder for you to fight off infections.
Not only are there tons of nasty chemicals in cigarettes, it weakens your immune system, which makes it much harder for your body to fight off infections—mostly illnesses that may impact your lungs.
4. Under Constant Stress
Have you ever noticed, when you’re stressed, you’re more likely to get a cold, or even the flu? It’s true. And the reason for this is very simple.
Constant stress may weaken your immune system, leaving you more likely to develop some sort of illness. But, it’s not just about your inability to fight off the infection.
Being under constant stress may also hamper your recovery time—so it takes longer to get back to work, or even play.
5. Poor Diet
The right diet can do wonders for your immune system. But the wrong one can weaken and destroy it. And unfortunately, most people follow the westernized diet—that’s full of sugar, fat, and processed foods.
Combine that with poor sleep habits, and high stress—and it’s a recipe for disaster for your immune system.
Although there are many things that can weaken your immune system, there are plenty of things you can do—starting right now—that can improve your immune system and protect your health.
The 5 Ways To Bolster Your Immune System—and Fight Off Most Infections That Come Your Way
Although there are plenty of ways to boost your immune system, these 5 are probably the most effective:
1. Limit Your Alcohol Intake
If you tend to have a few cocktails…glasses of wine…or beers each night, then you may be doing more harm to your immune system than you might think.
Excess alcohol intake may be linked to a weaker immune system. But:
Not everything about alcohol is bad. Moderate intake of alcohol may actually stimulate your immune system, and make it stronger.
2. Reduce Stress Levels
As mentioned above, stress is a killer to your immune system. Not only does being stressed out increase inflammation, it also interferes with the production of compounds necessary for better immune health.
Cortisol, the main hormone that increases during times of stress, has been shown to interfere with killer T cell messaging, and also lowers secretory IgA in the mucous and gut lining.
If you want to boost your immune system, reducing stress should be your first step.
3. Eat More Produce
Eating fruits and vegetables isn’t just about losing weight, and protecting the cells in your body. Eating more fruits and vegetables may also boost your immune system.
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and in some cases, antioxidants that strengthen your immune system, and lower inflammation.
4. Exercise
Exercise is good for everything—even your immune system. Exercise may increase the activity of killer T cells—which protect your body from invading viruses.
But a note of warning:
Excessively intense workouts may weaken your immune system, leaving you susceptible to getting sick with the common cold or the flu.
Still…the benefits of exercise and your immune system go without saying. Just do it.
5. Increase Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not just good for strengthening your bones, and protecting you from cancer. Studies show there are specific receptor sites on your immune cells for vitamin D.
And when the vitamin D binds to your immune cells, it could activate those cells, and make your immune system stronger.
Your immune system is a specialized system in your body that protects you from foreign invaders, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
When it’s weak, it leaves you susceptible to getting sick, or even cancer development.
However, a strong immune system has been shown to protect against a variety of different viruses that could make you sick.
Although there are a lot of reasons why your immune system is weak, including diet and environmental factors, there are ways you can strengthen your immune system and protect your body.
Exercise, more vitamin D, less stress, eating more quality fruits and vegetables, and limiting your alcohol intake are all ways to bolster your immune system and prevent pathogenic compounds from making you sick.
If you want to boost the strength of your immune system, try adopting these 5 things into your daily plan.
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