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Face it…
Unless you have inherited a large sum or money, won the lottery, or just inked a lucrative sports deal, the good majority of people HAVE to work.
And this may interfere with your goals of living a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, or keeping your current weight intact.
For some, working may mean long business trips, endless layovers in the airport, and a wide range of unhealthy foods to choose from in order to tide you over until your next flight.
You may be asking yourself, “How do I keep my goals in track when I am always traveling?”
This would be a great question, and commonly asked by people looking to lose weight and keep the weight off who tend to spend a good majority of their time traveling.
But if you take the time before your trip to properly prepare (not talking packing your suitcase here) then you may be one step ahead when it comes to keeping your weight loss in the forefront.
Four Tips for Healthy Travels
If you spend countless hours sitting in an airport, waiting for your next flight…
Or are stuck in a meeting - sometimes very late meetings…
And maybe your hotel continental breakfast is loaded with pastries and high-calorie food choices…
Then you are not alone!
The fact is: there are many people – just like you – who may have to travel for their jobs, spend hours or even nights in an airport, and are stuck with poor food options that may only lead to a bulging waistline.
However, there are steps that you can take BEFORE your trip, to help keep you on track no matter how long…
How many hours you’re working…
Or how many nights you spend looking at the ceiling in the airport…
That may help you keep your weight loss in the forefront, and avoid the many temptations that may accompany a long (or short) business trip.
Four Healthy Tips for Traveling
1. Pack Ahead
Are you prepared for the long flight or endless layovers that may accompany your trip?
If not, then you really should be thinking ahead!
Pack small nutrition bars, meal replacement powders, nuts, trail mix, granola, and salt-free, fat-free pretzels.
They act as both a great snack option on the plane (or waiting for it) and pack a ton of nutrition – without the added calories and fat from a pastry or other high-calorie food options available in the airport.
The benefit is two-fold: you may help keep your weight in check, AND provide your body with the energy it needs to function and burn fat.
2. Choose Your Drinks Wisely
During most business meetings, there may be a variety of drink choices to choose from.
Fresh-squeezed juices, sugar-sweetened beverages, and diet soda may be easy options that may do nothing but increase your sugar cravings or pack on the pounds.
Choose water, coffee, or tea in order to wet your palate and stay alert during those long meetings.
These options may have less calories, plus beneficial antioxidants that are perfect for boosting your overall health.
But be wary of what you PUT into your drink…
Keep it plain and simple in order to boost your overall health!
3. Avoid MINDLESS Snacking
If you’ve ever been in a long meeting, then you know firsthand how eating can get away from you.
Before you know it, you may find yourself stuffing your face with chips, doughnuts, or anything you can get your hands on.
And, next thing you know, your once-loaded plate is empty and you are stuffed to the point of exploding – but yet, you may want more!
Mindless eating – similar to eating in front of the TV – is one of the easiest ways to let your calories slip away.
And this could lead to excess weight gain – all due to mindless eating and overconsumption of poor food choices.
So be mindful of what you’re eating during your business meetings!
4. Skip the Platter in Meetings
Similar to the previous tip, there may be plenty of dessert options, pastry options, and weight-promoting food choices available at most meetings.
And this could easily tip the scale in the wrong direction!
Instead of grabbing a calorie-laden pastry, grab some freshly cut fruit, vegetables, or a handful of nuts to satisfy your cravings.
And top it off with olive oil, vinegar, or a combination of the two for a great tasting, nutrient-packed topping.
This may keep you in control of your portions, while satisfying your body with the nutrients it needs!
Next Time You Travel…
Next time your job calls you out of town…
Or you find yourself stuck in an airport, remember these four tips!
They may help keep your weight loss goals on track – and more importantly – provide your body with the right nutrition and energy to keep you going through all those meetings, endless layovers, or during your summer vacation.
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