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I was duped.
And I am sure YOU were as well.
Back in the 80s, there was a lot of hype on losing belly fat and getting a lean, RIPPED midsection.
If you are like me, you might have done every abs routine out there.
Performed HUNDREDS of crunches, only to still have that SPARE TIRE sitting around your waist!
I know how you feel, because for years this is how I was too!
But I want to let you in on a little secret: EVERYTHING you know about SIX-PACK ABS may be misleading and WRONG.
Let me explain…
History Of Weight Loss
Every day, you walk past a magazine rack and see the fit models with RIPPLING ABS and flat tummies.
They all look AMAZING.
And you may think they were sculpted straight out of granite!
But you know what? They are HUMAN, and are just like you and me.
They worked HARD for their trim and tone figure.
Just like everyone else has to.
For years, I did crunches and an abs routine I built from the hundreds of abs exercises out there.
Did they work?
Of course NOT!
Because I was doing it all WRONG!
I am not a betting man, but I may be correct in saying your abs workout may be the WRONG way as well.