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By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certfiied Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
There are a lot of bad foods out there today.
And these foods could only stymie your fat loss – instead of improving it.
Before you lose all hope, there are THREE powerful foods--including one that lowers blood sugar--to not only strengthen your gut, but help you shed some of your stored belly fat.
The Top 3 “Gut” Foods
If you seem to have trouble losing your stubborn belly, then there may be a problem with your gut.
Your gut – not to be confused with your stomach – is a hot bed of activity – all there to keep you healthy.
You see, your gut contains billions of tiny bacteria. And when functioning correctly, those tiny bacteria keep you healthy and fit.
However, sometimes the bacteria change – and good bacteria are killed off and bad bacteria fill the empty void.
This could change the way your body processes food and what it does with the broken down food particles.
For example, studies show that overweight or obese individuals have more of one type of bacteria, which uses food as fuel and may cause you to gain fat.
And this is precisely why keeping your gut healthy is important.
Now, can you change the composition once the “bad” bacteria has invaded?
YES, you can!
In fact, eating the right foods and supplementing with probiotics are great ways to return your gut to normal working order!
So, what foods are good for your gut?
Well, here are THREE really good options:
1. Sauerkraut
This staple in many Rueben sandwiches is a great way to boost the health of your gut.
In fact, many fermented foods like this (kimichi and others) are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that improve and support your digestion.
Increasing your intake of probiotics could help maintain a healthy bacterial population, which could lead to better utilization of the nutrients from food.
Not only that, but probiotics may boost your immune system, improve your digestion, and help you burn fat.
2. Leeks
Now, just like you, your bacteria need to eat the RIGHT foods in order for it to function properly.
And that is exactly where leeks, asparagus, and artichokes come in.
These foods are chock full of prebiotics – a type of fuel for your gut bacteria – that strengthens and improves the health of your gut.
But get this: That same nutrient that your bacteria use for fuel – butyrate – may actually improve how well your body utilizes insulin (improves insulin sensitivity) and could help you burn tons and tons of fat.
When your body is sensitive to insulin, it unlocks your cells so you they can take in more sugar that may be floating around in your blood.
This, in turn, lowers blood sugar levels—and reduces the risk for pre-diabetes, or diabetes. Butyrate works by increasing the activity of the mitochondria, which in turn, may increase energy expenditure.
And this, my friends, is how this mild-mannered vegetable, helps lower blood sugar, improves gut health, and could boost your weight loss.
3. Jicama
In order to improve the health of your gut, you also need to make sure your digestive processes are functioning at optimal levels.
And that is where jicama comes in handy!
This root is full of inulin – or a type of dietary fiber – that slows the absorption of sugar.
Plus, jicama contains magnesium and manganese, which are two potent minerals needed to improve the health of your digestive enzymes!
Take Home Message
There are a lot of things that go into a great fat loss plan!
But, there is none as important as the health of your gut!
That’s why you should be eating more of these three foods. Not only do they provide you with the vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy, but they also contain prebiotic and probiotics that keep your gut bacteria happy and healthy.
So, if you want to burn fat, then include more of these three foods today!
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