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Major storms, like what the Eastern Seaboard could experience this week, can leave destruction and chaos in their path.
This could lead to widespread damage from destructive winds, rain, and high water surges.
And this could lead to widespread fires, water damage, and blackouts.
During a storm, your first instinct is to survive and ride it out.
Once the storm passes, you may be left without power for days, or even weeks.
Now, if you are like most survivalists, then you are prepared and ready to ride out the aftermath of a major hurricane, tornado, or winter storm that approaches.
But what if you are not prepared?
What foods should you include in order to survive a storm with the magnitude of Dorian?
The Top Survival Foods to Ride out the Storm
Of course, you already know that you need to have candles, flashlights, and water in order to survive a major storm.
But what happens when your power goes out?
What should you eat?
What should you do with the foods in your fridge or freezer?
Here are some helpful tips to remember:
• Eat the foods in your refrigerator first
• Once those are done, move to the items in your freezer (as long as the seal stays shut and you minimize exposure to heat, foods in your freezer may last up to two days)
• Make sure you have a manual can opener
• Have a lighter, charcoal, or matches on hand in order to start a fire OUTSIDE in order to heat up the foods you may have
Most people think that canned foods are the best items to have during a major storm.
But you may be wrong!
The reason: Canned food liners may contain harmful chemicals, like BPA, which could enter into your bloodstream and may cause damage inside your body.
In fact, the chemical BPA has been shown to alter hormone production, lead to obesity, and may even cause cancer.
However, in a worst-case scenario, having canned foods on hand could be a smart idea for added food and nutrition, especially if you are without power for longer than two to three days.
But what else should you have?
You should have ready-to-eat fruits...
Fruit, such as apples, oranges, and bananas, are great foods to have on hand in case of an emergency.
These fruits may have a longer shelf-life, meaning they will not rot as you wait for your power to come back on.
Plus, they are filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.
You should have nuts and seeds…
One of the best food sources to have on hand would be nuts or seeds.
Both are packed with plenty of nutrition, including fats, carbs, and proteins.
Plus, they are chock full of vitamins and minerals.
And, you don’t have to cook them!
You should have peanut butter or almond butter…
These high-calorie foods should leave you full and satisfied.
They are able to be stored in their containers for longer periods of time, without going bad.
Try to look for natural brands which contain less sugar, therefore making it a better alternative.
Spread a tablespoon or two on a slice of sprouted grain bread, and you have a healthy, nutritious meal.
Three Foods You Need During a Storm
If you have been caught in an emergency situation where your power goes out for a few days or longer, then keeping these foods on hand may provide you with the proper nutrition and at least one healthy, balanced meal per day.
Here are some additional tips for surviving a storm:
• Keep multi-vitamins, minerals, and protein powders on hand for added nutrition
• Eat at least one balanced meal per day to ensure you are getting the proper nutrition your body needs
• Try to limit your intake of salty foods to preserve your supply of water
• Drink at least one quart to a half gallon of water each day
• Consider special situations (pregnant, elderly, specific dietary needs, etc.) when compiling foods to ride out the storm
Including these three foods, and remembering these tips, may help you ride out the storm, while maintaining proper health and nutrition.
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