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How To Master Your Metabolism to Burn Excess Flab

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

When you’re looking to lose weight, you probably – at one time or another – looked up ways to speed up your metabolism in order to boost your fat loss.

Some of the tips may have worked, while others may not have.

Are there any good ways to master your metabolism and boost your fat loss?

Three Easy Ways to a Faster Metabolism

If you’re looking for some easy ways to burn fat and keep it off, then you have come to the right place.

These THREE tips are perfect for blasting fat, shrinking waistlines, and most important, speeding up your sluggish metabolism.

But, before you delve into these three tips, there is something you should know…

No matter what you do to speed up your metabolism, it’s going to be hard…

It’s going to be an uphill battle…

But, if you put in the work, eat clean, train hard, then you too may be able to master your metabolism and burn a LOT of extra fat.

So without further ado…

Here are the THREE tips you need to know:

1. Eat a Well-Balanced Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and for good reason.

Eating breakfast has been shown to stimulate your metabolism and provide the nutrients you need for better fat burning and muscle building.

Now, a lot of people will tell you to eat once you get up.  But, if you eat within an hour or so, then you may gain the benefits that breakfast has to offer for your metabolism.

Be sure to include a high-quality, lean protein (eggs), fibrous-carbs (steel-cut oats), and some lower glycemic carbs (berries such as raspberries and blueberries) to build a fat-busting breakfast.

2. Move More Throughout the Day

Moving more may help you burn extra fat simply by adding a little more physical activity into your day.

If you’re like most people, then chances are you probably don’t get to move much throughout the day due the demands of your job.

But, if you simply get up and deliver your message instead of calling or emailing, you can increase your physical activity and your calorie burning

Studies show that if you sit during the day, you may lose most of the benefits from your exercise program.

This gives you even MORE reason to get up and move during your work day.

3. Drink Lots of Water – the COLDER the BETTER

One nutrient that is much needed by your body – but many people do not get enough of – is water.

Not only are our bodies primarily made of water, but water is needed for fueling many chemical reactions in our cells.

When you are dehydrated, your body has a harder time burning fat and processing nutrients.

And this is one reason why drinking plenty of water is needed if you want to burn more fat.  Plus, the colder the water, the better!

When cold water enters your stomach, it needs to be warmed up to reach your internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. 

This takes calories – maybe not a lot – but it takes calories, none-the-less, to heat that water to your body temperature.

Drink up - your fat loss results depend on it!

The Simple Way to Burning Fat

Although there are a lot of ways to burn fat and speed up your metabolism, the three steps above are ideal.

Eating breakfast, moving more, and staying hydrated are all common-sense, simple strategies that could go a long way to greater fat loss and a faster metabolism.

If you have struggled with a slow metabolism, or have had trouble burning fat, then give these three steps a try.  You have nothing to lose except your stubborn belly fat.