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Are You STUCK? Let me help...


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I know what you’re thinking….

How can I burn fat in only SEVEN days?

Well, trust me, you can!  In fact, it’s a rather simple process – one that you need to adopt if you want to burn fat in a week – or longer.

Luckily for you, we are going to make it super easy for you…

And give you the exact blueprint we have used to help thousands of people change their bodies and retake their lives.

But first, there is something you need to know…

Fat Loss and Health

There is a reason why we are giving this blueprint to you. 

We want to help you get healthy – and lose the extra fat you have that may be covering your body.

You see, fat loss is great for everything!  Not only does it alleviate stress on your joints (1 pound loss = 4 pounds of stress OFF your joints) but it may even reduce your risk for some pretty serious – and sometimes deadly – health conditions.

Plus, losing the hard fat that pushes your belly out (visceral fat) may improve your health – two fold or more!

And this is why we want to help you lose the fat and gain just a little bit more of your health back.

So what do you need to do?

1. Cut 250 Calories with Smart Food Choices

In theory, losing a pound of fat means you need to burn – or lose – 500 calories per day (3500 calories is equivalent to ONE pound of fat).

One easy way to do this is to simply find a way to eliminate 250 calories per day by making smart food choices.

For example, if you like to have a soda at some point during the day, cut that out with some fruit-infused water, or plain water.

This could save you about 250 calories (or more) throughout the day.

Some other easy ways to cut 250 calories is by replacing junk food with low-calorie fruits or vegetables.

Not only will this lower your total caloric intake throughout the day, but it will replace the snacks lacking nutrition with ones that contain the fiber, water, vitamins, and minerals that could improve your fat burning.

2. Burn 250 Calories with Exercise

Exercise is a vital component to losing weight and fat.

Getting outside and moving is great for expending calories, toning, or trimming up your figure.

But, some people don’t know what to do for exercise.  Here are some great tips:

Include strength training – strength training (lifting weights, bodyweight training, or even band training) puts an overload stress on your muscles, therefore making them adapt to the excess stress.

This could lead to gains in strength, leaner muscles, and a greater amount of muscle on your body - and spike your metabolism, enabling you to burn calories all day – even when you’re sleeping.

Cardiovascular exercise – this type of activity burns a ton of calories when you’re doing it.  Running, walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and aerobic classes are great for expending high amounts of calories in a short period of time.

Combining cardiovascular work with strength training could lead to a leaner, trimmer, and toner you in no time at all.

High Intensity Work – including sprints or higher intensity intervals into your workout could give you a much needed boost in fat burn – due to the after-burn effect.

This should be done once or twice a week to maximize fat burn.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is a key to fat loss.

If you’re constantly dehydrated, then you’re making it that much harder for your body to burn fat and for you to lose weight.

Maintain hydration levels by eating water-filled foods, drinking at least SIX to EIGHT, EIGHT-ounce glasses per day, and limiting your intake of caffeine-filled drinks (dehydrates your body).

This could improve the way your body utilizes fat, which could promote greater fat loss results!

4. Plan Your Rest Day

Rest and recovery days are crucial for improving your fat loss.

One tip I always recommend is following a two day on, one day off approach.

This allows adequate time for recovery, therefore giving your body a much needed rest.

The Exact Blueprint We Use to Change Lives

There are a lot of things you can do to lose the belly fat you want.

But, you need to be honest with yourself and understand that it won’t be easy…that it takes habit and motivation…and the support of family and friends.

With that said, if you follow this blueprint, you may be able to lose ONE pound per week – if not more!

So, what are you waiting for?

Print this blueprint off, hang it someplace where you can always see it, and start giving your metabolism and fat loss a boost in the right direction!

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