Do You Suffer From Fish Burps?

Is your fish oil rancid?

Do you suffer from fish burps all day after taking your morning fish oil pill?


The quality of your fish MAY be harmful to your health.

The processing and manufacturing of your product may be increasing unhealthy toxins in your supplement.

Toxins may REDUCE the power of your supplement!

Do you really know WHAT is in your SUPPLEMENT?

Nutrients found in Krill

There are plenty of heart healthy nutrients found in Krill oil.

Healthy doses of Omega 3 fatty acids, Astaxanthin and phospholipids comprise the makeup of most Krill oil supplements.

But what makes the product rancid?

Let me explain…

Just like everything in the sea, Krill need to be able to survive and thrive in their natural environment.

And their environment happens to be very salty.

And this salt can either make them swell up like a balloon or shrivel up and die.

But they have a protective mechanism which prevents swelling or shriveling from happening.

TMA is a nitrogenous molecule which may control balance WITHIN Krill.

And Krill naturally produce this molecule depending on the environment and how much or little salt is present.

Normally, during processing of the krill, TMA is removed from the Krill so it is not present in the final product.

However, in some cases, there are detectable levels of TMA found in SOME fish or Krill oil.

Processing and Storage

When krill is processed, it is then placed in a encapsulated pill so you can consume it.

There are certain processing methods involved.

These processing methods remove toxin like TMA from Krill before it is placed into pill form.

Some supplements contain detectable
levels of TMA, which may be harmful

However, some companies and products may not store the processed krill effectively, or their processing methods were less than superb, resulting in a breakdown of some parts of the krill.

Breakdown of choline AND natural levels found
in krill MAY increase TMA in your supplements

This leads to oxidation of the Krill.

This may result in a rancid product.

The Problem: Oxidation

When a product is exposed to air, or the processing does not meet industry standards, it may result in a rancid product.

And that rancid product is going into YOUR STOMACH.

Now, there is some research out there stating that oxidized fats can be harmful to your health.

However, there is a problem with this statement.

There is no scientific proof in HUMANS that shows oxidized fatty acids are harmful to your health.

In fact, most of the research has been performed on ANIMAL models.

One of the major committees on health has put its gloves into the ring.

The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety has said that there is insufficient data to determine that oxidation of fatty acids can lead to health problems.

They have put out stringent criteria for Krill and fish oil and its processing and distribution.

Most companies abide by the strict criteria to have the
safest and purest form of Krill oil on the market

But that does not mean ALL companies follow these guidelines and that their products DO NOT contain toxins or contaminants which might be harmful to your body.

But there is hope!

The Solution: Consumberlabs.com

Consumerlabs.com is a third party company which tests the effectiveness and the quality of supplements around the world.

They provide accurate information to doctors, health professionals and consumers to ensure that the product YOU are taking passes their stringent testing parameters.

Consumerlabs.com provides information regarding the freshness and quality of many different krill oil supplements.

hey test for toxins such as mercury, PCB’s lead and TMA.

A product which has been tested and deemed safe for
 consumer use has either little or NO toxins or contaminants


The Krill Oil found in Omega Icon is one such product that was tested by consumerlabs.com and came out with two thumbs up.

Enzymotec USA Inc/Azantis which is the source of the krill oil used in OMEGA ICON made it through the strict criteria and is within the proper limits for all nutrients contained in it.

Enzymotec USA Inc/Azantis passed stringent testing on freshness
and quality of its omega-3 fatty acid component

Not only do we hold ourselves to a higher standard to bring you the best and freshest ingredients, but consumerlabs.com, a third party analysis company, backed our claims up.

What to do next…

Fish and Krill oil has to meet certain criteria before it can be introduced to consumer.

But not all krill and fish oil makes the grade!

Sometimes, during the processing and manufacturing of Krill, contaminants and other toxins may not be completely removed leaving it RANCID.

This oil is then packaged and sold and now may be sitting in your cabinet waiting for you to take it.

If you have ever experienced fish burps from fish or Krill oil supplements, then you might want to find a new product.

They may be rancid or have been exposed to something, resulting in oxidation in your product.

The Krill Oil found in Omega Icon has passed third party analysis making our product safe and free of contaminants for you to enjoy!

NEXT: Special Nutrients Which Are 47 X More Effective Than Regular Fish Oil >>

Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Jul,08 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Jul,08 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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