What You Can Do Today To Prevent You From Being Another Stroke Statistic
Every 45 seconds, someone has one.
It is the #1 leading cause of disability in the US.
160,000 people die from this each year, making it third behind heart disease and cancer.
What is it?
If you take the right steps, you may reduce your risk factor for having a stroke.
And women, you are more at risk than you think!
Let me explain…
What Is A Stroke?
There are two different types of strokes.
One is caused by plaque breaking off in your brain or other areas of your body.
This plaque then travels to your brain, where it cuts off the blood supply.
Lack of blood supply may result in the death of your brain cells.
The other type of stroke occurs when the vessels in your brain are weak or they rupture.
This causes blood to leach into your brain, causing damage.
Both types may lead to permanent disability, with paralysis primarily occurring on one side of your body.
Free Radicals and Stroke
Free radicals do a number on the cells in your body.
They create an environment where the free radicals may damage vessels, causing them to stiffen.
This may cause your vessels to not function optimally, resulting in your blood having a harder time moving through your body.
Free radicals may also cause inflammation.
And inflammation may be the beginning to certain disease processes.
One disease caused by inflammation may be strokes and cardiovascular disease.
But you may be able to reduce your risk factors.
Antioxidant-rich foods may reduce your risk factors for developing a stroke.
And this may happen with or without previous cardiovascular disease.
A study released recently, showed women who ate more fruits and vegetables, and drank more tea decreased their risk for having a stroke.
Powerful free radical fighters are found in fruits and vegetables.
Antioxidants, which are nutrients, may trap free radicals in their structure.
As a review…
Free radicals are unstable molecules.
They spend their time searching out stable molecules so they can steal one of their electrons.
This stealing enables the free radical to stabilize itself.
However, by stealing one electron from a balanced molecule makes that molecule unstable.
It then repeats the process.
When free radicals run into antioxidants, it steals a molecule to stabilize itself.
However, antioxidants maintain stability even when the free radical steals an electron.
Vitamins C, E, carotenoids, and flavonoids may all be able to neutralize free radicals, therefore reducing inflammation.
The Research
Researchers followed 31,035 women over the course of the study.
Women with the highest total antioxidant capacity (TAC) had a 17% less likely chance to have a stroke.
Women who ate more vegetables REDUCED their
risk of having a stroke
And if you had heart issues in the past…
Women who had heart issues in the past, reduced their risk of having a stroke from 46% to 57%.
Women at the highest end of TAC showed
DRAMATIC decrease in risk
Antioxidants are powerful fighters against free radicals and their associated damage.
One nutrient leading the way is Astaxanthin.
This nutrient is found in large amounts in fish, krill, and other marine animals.
Astaxanthin is a form of algae which many
different marine animals eat
This powerful antioxidant is able to bind to cell membranes and trap the free radicals in its unique structure.
Once trapped it transports it to the surface of your cell for other antioxidants, like Vitamin C, to destroy it.
Astaxanthin is found in JayLab Pro Omega Icon made with Krill Oil and may help neutralize free radical damage.
Omega Icon, our Krill oil formula is a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids and it has a total antioxidant capacity which may surpass some of the more powerful antioxidants.
What Is Your Next Step?
Having a stroke may lead to a lifetime of problems.
As the leading cause of disability and the third leading cause of death, strokes must be dealt with seriously.
Increasing antioxidant-rich foods into your diet may reduce your risk for developing a stroke.
There may be a new fighter on the scene in the form of Krill oil.
Having an oxygen radical absorption capacity which may rival most antioxidants, krill oil may potentially be a great antioxidant source.
But Krill Oil may do so much more.
In case you didn’t know, Krill Oil is a great source of both choline and phospholipids—both components that are necessary for maintaining cell strength and integrity.
As you get older, your cells may start to break down and become less flexible and weak.
By providing the right nutrients—choline and phospholipids--you may see stronger cells and better cellular health.
Choline, which can be produced by the body (but it’s best if consumed through a healthy diet), is a crucial nutrient that performs many (and I am talking about MANY) different functions in your body.
Besides strengthening your cell membrane, choline may also be responsible for:
- Produce acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter for your brain, memory, mood, and muscle control
- Modulates gene expression
- Cell signaling
- Lipid transport and metabolism
- And early brain development
Not to mention helping to repair cell membranes that may be damaged due to free radicals or oxidative stress.
Phospholipids are also important because they help to create a phospholipid bilayer in your cells, therefore helping to main cell strength and flexibility.
But here’s one important role phospholipids do that hasn’t been mentioned before:
They are transporter for healthy long-chain fats, such as DHA and EPA.
But you may not get this with regular fish oil—only with Krill Oil. You see, by using a relatively new technology, you may be able to extract things like choline and phospholipids from Krill meal, therefore getting all the good stuff your body needs.
Fish oil, on the other hand, uses a multi-step process (with many different chemicals) to extract just the omega-3 fatty acids from the fish.
So you’re not getting the choline … and until it’s processed—you’re not getting the phospholipids either.
But you are by using Omega Icon Krill Oil
You can choose what option is right for you—and get your stroke, brain, and other health conditions under control:
Rautiainen, S. Larsson, S. Virtamo, J. Wolk, A. Total Antioxidant Capacity of Diet and Risk of Stroke. A Population Based Prospective Cohort of Women. StrokeAHA. Published online before print December 1, 2011, doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.635557
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.