Here's Just One Way Krill Oil Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

Research proves Krill oil IS superior to fish oil.

For the longest time, doctors have used fish oil as a way to improve cardiovascular health.  But today, there is a new kid on the block and he isn’t backing down.

What makes Krill oil so superior? 

The way essential fatty acids are bound in Krill oil makes it easier to breakdown than fatty acids found in fish oil.

You see, fish oil is bound to a triglyceride, which makes it harder to break down.  In contrast, krill oil is bound to phospholipids, which can help make and improve cellular membranes.

The result: increased omega-3 fatty acids levels in the blood.  Phospholipids allow for better transport into the cell.  This allows omega-3 fatty acids to work and improve health.

So you should welcome Krill oil with open arms, and embrace its nutritional benefits.

I know we have mentioned it before, but it’s true!  Krill oil has a unique role in the body.

Krill oil regulates a system in the body, which can become dysfunctional, leading to inflammation and increased fat accumulation.

Your body has a natural system which helps control inflammation, decrease appetite, and control food intake.  This system is called the endocannabinoid (EC) system.

When the endocannabinoid system is out of whack, you have increased inflammation and an increase in your appetite, leading to increased food intake.  

↑ Appetite + ↑ food intake + ↑ inflammation = increased fat accumulation! 

This is something we do not need! 

Did you know there are 1.5 billion overweight adults?  Did you also know that out of those 1.5 billion people, 500 million of them are clinically obese?

Okay so let’s get down and dirty!

A dysfunction in the endocannabinoid system leads to the system becoming chronically active.  Like most inflammatory responses, low, chronic inflammation leads to complications.  One complication is obesity.

The dysfunction of this system also throws off your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids.

(The correct ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fats should be 4:1.  However, when there is an issue in the EC system, the ratio is more like 1:22 or higher.)

This can happen from the food we eat, which can contain the wrong ratios of omega-3 to omega-6.  Also, your lifestyle may have gotten you to where you are today.

Whatever the reason, it’s time for a fix!

Let’s take a closer look at the endocannabinoid system.

This system is regulated by endocannabinoids and the receptors they bind too.  When the endocannabinoids bind to the cells, this helps regulate enzyme activity. 


It also keep appetite, energy balance, mood, memory, pain perception and, to some extent, immune function and reproduction in check.

This system plays a very large role in human health and energy balance.

There are two main endocannabinoids which help regulate your system.  Those two EC are: N-arachidonoylethanolamine and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol.  Both are made from Arachidonic acids  (a type of omega-6 fatty acid).

They are released through a reaction, which breaks them down and releases them into the blood. 

Since Arachidonic acid comes from the omega-6 family, naturally you will find altered omega-6/omega-3 ratio.  This increases inflammation, which is exactly what you want to avoid.

Here comes Krill to the rescue!

Essential fatty acids found in krill are released into the blood, resulting in a positive omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.  This promotes regulation of the endocannabinoid system and reduces inflammation in the body.

(SImply put, the omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil help lower the ratio, therefore lowering inflammation in your body.  This helps to protect your heart, prevent damage to healthy cells, and even helps you to lose weight!)

What else does Krill oil do?

Research done by Batteta et al. determined that supplementation with Krill oil helps to reduce molecules that are found in your visceral fat stores (the nasty fat that leads to heart attacks).  Lowering these molecules could protect your heart and the rest of your body.  How?

Lowering the EC levels in your visceral tissue could also decrease your triglycerides. 

They found that Krill oil decreased triglyceride levels in both the heart and the liver (by 42 and 60 respectively).  They also saw lower LDL cholesterol and a decrease in inflammatory markers.

Having increased triglyceride levels in the heart and liver increases your risk factors for disease.

Since this was a short-term study, the results did not show much for weight loss. 

The researchers also mentioned that supplementing with Krill oil for long periods of time might result in lower belly fat and visceral fat stores, which is just awesome for your health.

These are groundbreaking results!

In a longer study involving mice and a high-fat diet, researchers noted increased liver triglycerides, increased cholesterol, and increased inflammatory markers.  By supplementing the diet with Krill, they saw a decrease in all areas and lower 2-AG and AEA levels.

(More fat in your liver could increase your body's resistance to insulin.  If this happens, your body will have a harder time losing fat and a much easier time gaining fat.)

This showed a decrease in inflammation and an increased ratio between omega-3 and omega-6.

Krill oil can help regulate the endocannabinoid system, which helps control inflammation by altering the omega ratios.  

This could lead to improvements in heart and brain health, plus give a significant boost to your weight loss.

Krill oil, like the kind found in Omega Icon, can help regulate the endocannabinoid system, leading to healthy function of cells and regulation of important systems in the body. 


Are you ready to start LOSING WEIGHT and lowering the inflammation that could destroy your heart?  If so, then you need to follow me to the next page for some important information. (Just click THIS LINK)

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Bluher, M. Engeli, S. Kloting, N. Berndt,  J. Fasshauer, M. Batkai, S. Pacher, P. Shon, MR. Jordan, J. Sturnvolt, M. Dysregulation of the peripheral and adipose tissue endocannabinoid system in human abdominal obesity. Diabetes. 2006. Vol. 55(1);pp. 3053-3060.

Baretta, B. Griinari, M. Carta, G. Murru, E. Ligresti, A. Cordeddui, L. Giordano, E. Sanna, F. Bisogno, T. Uda, S.  Endocannabinois may mediate the abilty of (n-3) fatty acids to reduce ectopic fat and inflammatory mediators in obese Zucker rats. J Nutr. 2009. Vol. 139(8);pp. 1495-1501.

Di Marzo, V. Griinari, M. Carta, G. Murru, E. Ligresti, A. Cordeddu, L. Giordano, F. Bisogrio, T. Colla, M. Batetta, B. Dietary krill oil increases docosahexaenoic acid and reduces 2-arachidonoylglycerol but not N-acylethanolamine levels in the brain of obese Zucker rat. Int DAIRY J. 2010. Vol. 20;231.

Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Jan,04 2023Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Jan,04 2023

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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