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The Really Weird Way To Burn Extra Calories By Standing Still At Home


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

In simple terms, your adipose tissue – known as unsightly belly fat to you and me – stores fatty acids and left over calories for later use.

It also produces some pretty significant hormones and cytokines – known as adipokines – that help regulate your metabolism and energy levels.

Too much of one – and you burn extra calories.  Too much of another – and you store extra calories.

Of course, it’s a little more complicated than that, but you get the picture.

There is another type of fat in your body – one that isn’t talked about nearly as much – that could stimulate fat burning through a process called thermogenesis.

This type of fat is called brown fat!

And although babies and infants have high levels of brown fat, as you grow older, your levels decrease over time, leaving adults short on this one potent type of fat.

Well, I have some good news for you…

Even though you have small amounts of brown fat on your body, one simple trick could activate your stores of brown fat!

And this could lead to bigger – and better – fat loss results!

The Simple Secret to Greater Fat Loss

As previously stated, brown fat burns excess calories through the process of thermogenesis!


Well, the more you shiver, the more you stimulate your brown fat – which could lead to greater calorie burn.

But how does it work?

Well, it’s pretty simple really…

You see, brown fat may produce a specific hormone – called irisin – that causes your brown fat to burn calories, therefore improving your fat loss.

Normally you see increases in irisin production through exercise.

However, a new study shows that shivering could elicit the same response, therefore activating your brown fat tissue.

The result: Greater calorie burn, which could translate into greater fat loss!

So what can you do to boost your production of irisin?

Exercise is probably the easiest answer.   However, there is another way!

You could turn down your thermostat at night and keep your room at 60 to 65 degrees – even during the winter months.

Not only is this a great way to save money, but it could be a very easy way to boost your metabolism and help you expend excess calories!


There is no secret: Everyone wants to torch the unwanted fat around their hips, butt, thighs, and especially the belly area.

That’s why they employ a sound diet and exercise plan to do just that!

Well, I have some good news for you: There could be an easier way to burning fat.

And it’s very simple: You just need to turn down the heat – even during winter!

A new study shows that shivering could boost your body’s production of irisin, which could stimulate your brown fat to incinerate excess calories.

This could lead to a skyrocketing metabolism and even greater fat loss results!

Continue Onto Page 2 = = >


Lee P, Linderman JD, Smith S, Brychta RJ, Wang J, Idelsem C, Perron RM, Werner CD, Phan GQ, Kammula US, Kenebew E, Pacak K, Chen KY, Cell FS.  Irisin and FGF21 are cold-induced endocrine activators of brown fat functions in humans.  Cell Metab.  2014 Feb 4;19(2):302-9.