The Simple Plant That Boosts Testosterone By 52%?
Have you noticed a lack of drive or sexual desire?
Do you just not “feel” the same as you did 20, 10, or even 5 years ago?
It may not be your fault.
In fact, many men around the world may experience similar symptoms - just like you.
Aging may decrease your testosterone levels, which may be VITAL for your sexual, reproductive,, and general wellness.
And that hormone is what makes you a MAN.
Testosterone is a sex hormone which may decline with age.
Women experience the same thing when they hit menopause.
However, in men, declining testosterone happens at a SLOWER PACE than menopause.
But it still may decline.
And this may lead to different health problems and, possibly, chronic diseases.
But you do not have to sit IDLE and let it happen to you.
There are steps you can take which may dramatically INCREASE your testosterone levels.
And this may improve testosterone levels, increase your sex drive, and best of all - IMPROVE your general well-being.
Give me a minute to explain the POWERS of Tribulus Terrestris…
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus is a flowering plant native to tropical regions and parts of Africa, Australia, and other regions.
In America, people consider this plant to be a noxious weed, and may quickly eradicate it before it takes over their garden.
Tribulus may have gotten its fast start in bodybuilding, due to its potential to increase testosterone and for sex drive.
Men, when you start to climb the age ladder, your testosterone levels may start to slowly decline.
And this may lead to a loss of strength, sex drive, virility and may even cause WEIGHT GAIN.
But all hope is not lost, guys!
Tribulus may be your answer.
Let me explain…
Tribulus and Testosterone
Researchers wanted to see if tribulus had any effect on testosterone levels.
They used rabbits, rats, and primates as their test subjects.
Normal rabbits and rats (free of Erectile Dysfunction) were given 2.5, 5, and 10 mg of tribulus terrestris for 8 weeks.
Their results were very SIGNIFICANT.
The researchers found a 52% INCREASE in testosterone levels and a 29% increase in DHEA-S, compared to control groups.
In castrated rats, the results were even GREATER.
The researchers noted that castrated rats showed an increase in testosterone by 25% when taking tribulus.
They concluded that tribulus may possess the ability to raise certain sex hormones, possibly due to increased protodioscin levels found in tribulus.
But tribulus is not done yet!
Tribulus and DHEA
Tribulus may boost your sex drive, which may improve your sense of well-being.
One way this may happen is due to increases in your DHEA levels.
DHEA is a steroid hormone produced and released by your brain, gonads, and your adrenal glands.
DHEA may be converted into the androgens, testosterone for men, and estrogen for women.
DHEA may be converted in your intestines and liver to form DHEA-S.
This may increase your circulating DHEA-S levels, which may benefit your general health and wellness.
Increased DHEA-S levels may also improve the frequency of sexual intercourse (more frequent in men with erectile dysfunction).
There are many accepted ways to increase testosterone.
Intense physical activity, sex, and possibly with tribulus may be ways to BOOST your testosterone levels.
Increasing DHEA levels may be accomplished through the conversion of protodioscin, which may be naturally occurring in tribulus.
And increased levels of DHEA-S may improve cell membrane integrity and function at the cellular level.
Plus, it may lead to better circulation and overall better health.
There are many men throughout the world who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
And erectile dysfunction may be FIVE TIMES GREATER in men with DIABETES than healthy men.
One reason may be associated with lower DHEA levels found in diabetic men.
Tribulus and Men’s Health
Aging may be associated with decreased testosterone levels.
This may lead to a loss of strength, virility, sex drive, and a general sense of well-being.
Tribulus may have the ability to improve your testosterone levels and your general sense of well-being.
Tribulus may also increase your circulating DHEA-S levels, which may increase the production of sex hormones in your body.
And this may result in a better sex life and improved health.
Tribulus, in combination with several natural potent ingredients, may increase age-associated declines in testosterone, possibly returning your MOJO.
But, here's a secret i want to share with you...
This "discovery" I made contains natural ingredients - like Tribulus - that may increase your testosterone levels.
And this may help you regain your swagger from 20 years ago!
Gauthaman, K. Gaanesan, AP. The hormonal effects of Tribulus terrestris and its role in the management of male erectile dysfunction- an evaluation using primates, rabbit and rat. Phyomedicine. 2008. Vol. 15(1-2): pp. 44-54.
Adimoelja, A. Adaikan, PG. Protodioscin from herbal plan Tribulus terrestris L imporives the male sexual fucntions, probably via DHEA. Int J Impotence Research. 1997. Vol. 9(1).