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2 Ways To Improve Your Gut?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

There are a lot of things that probably come to mind when you’re looking to improve the health of your gut.


Fermented milks…


The list goes on and on!

What if I told you, lots of protein and exercise could also improve the health of your gut, would you believe me?

Well, if not, then this may surprise you then…

Protein, Exercise, and Gut Health

As you may know, there are billions of tiny bacteria that currently live inside your body.

SIX pounds of bacteria, just to put it into perspective!

And these bacteria do a whole lot of things for your body, including improving your immune system…digesting food particles…and fighting off nasty toxins and bacteria.

That’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy gut population.

Normally you would look at different foods, probiotics, and fermented milk to improve the health of your gut.

But, a new study shows something pretty surprising…

That exercise and added protein may also improve the health of your gut!

Here’s is what the study showed:

They assessed the diets of Rugby players and two control groups who were similar in size and stature to the Rugby players.

They found that the athletes had much higher levels of creatine kinase – a marker of extreme exercise – when compared to the control.

Plus, the athletes had lower inflammation levels and had a much higher diversity of gut bacterial population, which correlated directly with the higher protein intake and higher exercise levels.

The control group had a different gut composition and had higher inflammation levels.

They concluded: “The results provide evidence for a beneficial impact of exercise on gut microbiota diversity but also indicate that the relationship is complex and is related to accompanying dietary extremes.”

Two Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

It’s vitally important to your health that you maintain a healthy gut bacterial population.

And you can accomplish this by eating probiotic-rich foods, using probiotic supplements, or using fermented milk and yogurt product.

But now, according to new research, adding in exercise and increasing your protein intake may also improve the health of your gut.

The 7 Second Daily Trick To Better Gut Health? >>


Clarke SF, Murphy EF, O’Sullivan O, Lucey AJ, Humphreys M, Hogan A, Hayes P, O’Reilly M, Jeffery IB,Wood-Martin R, Kerins DM, Quigley E, Ross RP, O’Toole P, Molloy MG, Falvey E, Shanahan F, Cotter PD.  Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity.  Gut doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2013-306541