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How A Simple Box Fixed His ED Problem


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

I am sure you remember the guy Tom from those ED commercials.

He always had a huge smile on his face…

And his wife, who was always surrounded by her friends, always has a satisfied look and smile on her face.

He was the envy of the neighborhood.

No, it wasn’t because he threw a good barbeque,,,

Or had a nice pool…

It was because he could please his wife—both in and out of the bedroom!

This, however, may not be the case for most men.  In fact, there are millions of men who suffer from ED or poor performance in the bedroom.

And even though ED is commonly associated with older men, it affects younger men as well.

For example, 40 percent of men in their 40s may be suffering from ED.  And 50 percent of men in their 50s. 

But here’s one surprising statistic…

There are more and more cases of men in their 30s who are suffering from ED than ever before!

Now, there are lots of reason why this could be happening…

It could have to do with low testosterone (for an easy non-prescription alternative click here)…it could be a altered ratio of estrogen to testosterone…

It could also be DEPRESSION!

And this brings me to a very important new research study…

Depression and ED

Now, before you get ahead of yourself, here’s something you should know about ED:
ED—otherwise known as erectile dysfunction—is the inability to get or maintain an erection for sex.

Some men may only have an erection for a couple seconds to a few minutes, while other men may not be abler to get an erection at all.

And while there are certainly medications on the market that could help, many of them may hold serious side effects that may include death.

Now, getting an erection is a complicated process that involves many different areas of your body.

From your brain and nerves, to your hormones, muscles, and circulatory system—they all play a large role in your ability to get an maintain and erection.

Although there are lots of factors at play, there are two that new research shows could be vitally important to your sexual health: Depression and testosterone!

By now, you understand that testosterone plays a larger-than-life role in your ability to get an erection.

Many men who suffer from low T levels, may have a much harder time getting—and keeping—an erection for sex.

Plus, they may feel tired…drained of energy…fat…and generally unhappy.

And this brings me to an interesting point…

Low testosterone may be linked to depression.  So, one group of researchers took a page out of the treatment book for seasonal affected disorder (SAD).

The researchers wanted to test out light therapy with men with low testosterone and ED problems.

Light therapy is when you use a light box lined with fluorescent lights in order to mimic the natural sun light.

It is used in people with seasonal affected disorder and people who live in areas where there is not a whole lot of suf.

Well, researchers tested this theory out on a group of men (19) who received the light therapy while the other half of the men did not.

And here are the surprising effects:

Men who used the light box for 30 minutes a day, TRIPLED their sexual satisfaction!

Plus, and this is awesome, those men exposed to the light box saw their testosterone levels go from 2.1 nanograms per millimeter to 3.6 nanograms per milliliter.

That’s awesome right?  Not only did it triple their rate of sexual satisfaction, it improved their testosterone levels as well!

Now, this is important for those living in the Northern Hemisphere where dark days occur all through winter.

The researchers believe that the light box may shut off activity in the pineal gland in the brain, which could increase the production of testosterone!

And although more research is needed, this could hold promise for many men who are suffering from both low T levels and ED.

Take Home Message

There are millions of men around the world who may suffer from low testosterone and ED—which could cause programs in the bedroom.

Now, there could be many reasons why this occurs, however, one of the biggest reasons could be depression.

(Although low testosterone and ED problems could cause depression in and of itself).

In a brand-new study, however, researchers have shown that a treatment commonly used for treating seasonal affective disorder could be useful in boosting testosterone levels and improve sexual satisfaction.

So, if you suffer from ED—or even low testosterone—using a light box could improve both testosterone and your performance in the bedroom.