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University Study Reveals Easiest Way To Exercise

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I know that you’re busy.

I know you have a schedule to keep; that you have kids that need to be fed; or pets that need to be walked.

I understand this.

I have the same obligations, priorities, and things to do!

If someone could just wave a magic wand – or if you could clone yourself – then you would be able to get everything accomplished AND find the time to exercise.

But, that’s not happening at the moment, so what do you do?

Current Recommendations

Back in the 1970s, some officials for the government started to notice something – that people were becoming more and more sedentary.

And this led to the development – or our current exercise recommendations – of getting at least some form of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Over the years, these guidelines have been reworked, tested, and reworked again.

For example, sometime around 2008, researchers discovered that getting moderate-to-intense exercise for at least 10 minutes – THREE times per day – could give you the same benefits as doing 30 minutes of continuous exercise.

This really provided NO EXCUSE for not getting out there and exercising – at least for 10 minutes a few times a day.

But, new research just published REALLY shows that there should be NO EXCUSES for getting in your exercise.

Breakthrough Study

For those who can’t find the time to exercise, well, according to new research, that may be all BS.

The study – out of the University of Utah – shows exercising at a moderate to vigorous intensity for, get this, a MINUTE many times per day, can elicit the same benefits as both 30 minutes of continuous exercise, or even breaking that exercise up in THREE, 10 minute bouts of activity.

Seriously, check out these results:

Researchers looked at 4,511 adults between the ages of 18 and 64 and tested different exercise protocols to see their effectiveness on the participants' weight.

They tested higher-intensity long bouts (greater than 10 minutes), higher-intensity short bouts (less than 10 minutes), and lower-intensity long and short bouts (greater than or less than 10 minutes).

The results were SHOCKING!

They showed that both the higher-intensity short and long bouts were just as effective at lowering BMI measurements and lowering the risk for becoming overweight.

They concluded: Our findings showed that for weight gain prevention, accumulated higher-intensity PA bouts of <10 minutes are highly beneficial, supporting the public health promotion message that “every minute counts."

Even a Little Bit Counts

If you find yourself saying, “I don’t have the time to exercise.”  Think again!

According to new research, exercising at a moderate-to-vigorous pace (think fast-paced walks, fast runs, jumping jacks, etc.) for a minute, many times per day could do wonders for both your health and your fat loss.

So, for the lean, mean, sexy body you've been after, including at least ONE minute of exercise – multiple times per day (total of 30 minutes) – can do wonders for your body and your health.

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Fan JX, Brown BB, Hanson H, Kowaleski-Jones L, Smith KR,  Zick CD. Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity and Weight Outcomes: Does Every Minute Count?.  American Journal of Health Promotion: September/October 2013, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 41-49.