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Donate THIS Body Part To Avoid A Heart Attack?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Are you a life-saver?

Do you give blood for the sole purpose of saving someone else’s life?

For many people, giving blood is a way to save someone else’s life - a relative, a friend, or even a complete stranger.

No matter why you do it, you could be saving someone’s life.

Including your own!

Giving Blood and Your Health

Every year, it seems like the demand for blood goes up and up – and that doesn’t even include the winter months.

Blood that is given from donors is used to replenish the blood supply so people that experience traumatic accidents, lose blood during surgery, or need regular transfusions can have fresh, disease-free blood to help aid in their recovery or to save their life.

However, it could also save your life in the process!

You see, most people that give blood are relatively healthy – or so they think.

Underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, may be screened for during the “mini-physical” that you undergo before giving blood.

And although this is an important first step, it’s not the step that ultimately could save your life.

You see, some people may have higher than average iron levels.

And this could put them at risk for atherosclerosis – or stiffening of the arteries.

This could put them at risk for having a devastating heart attack or even a stroke.

But here’s the health benefit of giving blood:

Each time you give blood, you could reduce your iron levels by 200 or 250 milligrams!

And this could add a ton of health benefits to your heart – by reducing your risk for having – or even dying from – a heart attack.

Take Home Message

Most people who give blood do it for a good reason: to save someone else’s life!

However, what most don’t realize is that by giving blood, you could be saving your own life in the process!

You see, some people may have high iron levels, which could predispose them to atherosclerosis, or the stiffening of your arteries.

And this could lead to issues with your heart – especially having a heart attack.

However, by giving blood you could reduce your iron levels by 200 to 250 milligrams, therefore reducing your risk for developing atherosclerosis.

So, if you’ve been thinking about giving blood – to help save someone else’s life – this could give you another reason to take that leap of faith.

You could protect your heart in the process!


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