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Lose Fat, Get More Energy, and Weigh Less (in just 5 days a month)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

How would you like to eat whatever you want during the month and STILL LOSE FAT?

I bet you would be super excited!  But, there’s one thing you should know:

If you want to eat everything in sight – and still lose fat – then you need to follow this simple five-day diet plan recently discovered by the talented team of researchers in USC!

The Five-Day-Per-Month Diet

Does it seem like everyone you know – at some point in time – has tried to lose weight?

It’s pretty daunting, but it’s very true!

At some point in time, everyone tries to lose weight.

It may due to health reasons…

To fit into your high school clothes…

Or to just look good naked!

Whatever the reason, you – and the entire world – has tried, either successfully or unsuccessfully, to lose weight and get in

Today, I would like to present to you, the five-day-per-month diet plan that seems to blast fat faster – and slow the aging process as well!

The talented team of researchers from USC has discovered a radically new diet plan that could shed years of ugly belly fat and slow down the aging process!

Here’s what they found;

Researchers have discovered that a diet which mimics fasting, could lead to better overall fat loss and improve longevity in participants.

They took 19 people and told them they could eat anything they wanted over the course of three weeks, with the fourth week being drastically different.

Starting on the first day of the fourth week, participants ingested roughly 1090 calories, with each subsequent day decreasing to an average daily caloric intake of 725 calories.

The final results: a decrease in visceral fat stores, reduction in cancer risk, extended longevity, and a stronger immune system.

They also noticed a decrease in risk factors for aging, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer without adverse effects!

Simply amazing!

Take Home Message

Finding the type of diet that will work for you may be hard.

However, there is a new plan out there that may entice anyone to lose weight and get back in shape!

Researchers from USC have discovered a way to mimic the effects of fasting, by restricting calories for just five days each month.

The other days you can eat whatever you want!

Not only could this diet help you shed unwanted body fat, it could also slow the aging process considerably and reduce your risk for many different chronic diseases.

So, if you have five days each month, and would like to boost your fat loss, then trying this new weight loss solution could be one of your best options.

Another solution is to control these two powerful hormones.  When you do as seen in these case studies on the next page the weight comes off quickly especially around the mid-section.



Brandhorst S, Choi IY, Wei M, Cheng CW, Sedrakyan S, Navarrete G, Dubeau L, Ya LP, Park R, Vinciguerra M, Di Biase S, Mirzaei H, Mirisola MG, Chilress P, Ji L, Grpshen S, Penna F, Odetti P, Perin L, Conti PS, Kennedy BK, Cohen P, Morgan TE, Dorff TB, Longo VD.  A Periodic Diet that Mimics Fasting Promotes Multi-System Regeneration, Enhanced Cognitive Performance, and Healthspan.  Cell Metabolism.  2015 July;22(1):86-99.