The Top 10 Carbs To Eat To REVERSE Your Low-Carb Intake


There’s a pretty good chance that you’re avoiding carbs for one reason:

Because you think they will make you fat.  Am I right?

Well, the truth is: Carbs are NOT as evil as most people make them out to be.

It’s pretty sad to think that the only reason you’re avoiding carbs is because you're concerned they will make you gain weight…or lead to more body fat…or that they will make your cravings go through the roof.

But this could be the furthest thing from the truth!

Yes, refined and processed carbs that are filled with sugar WILL make you gain weight—mostly as body fat.

But that doesn’t mean ALL carbs will cause weight gain.

Now, we are not saying that low-carb diets WON’T work for boosting weight loss—because they will.

What we are saying is that eating carbs—especially the five listed below—could improve your results by blasting away belly fat and boosting your sluggish metabolism.

Check out these TEN high-carb foods that could spike your metabolism and help you burn fat:

1. Buckwheat

You’ve probably heard of buckwheat before.

It’s used for pancakes and some people even use it as a cereal.

Although it’s in the name, buckwheat does NOT contain wheat at all!  Plus, it’s gluten free for those who may have intolerance or sensitivities.

What does it have in it?  Great question!

This carb contains fiber, protein, and more antioxidants and minerals than many other common grains used for weight loss!

Buckwheat is not only good for boosting your metabolism and shedding belly fat, it’s also good for stabilizing blood sugar levels and lowering the risk for heart disease or the dreaded type 2 Diabetes.

2. Bananas

Want to improve your gut AND heart health at the same time?

If so, then you should include more bananas in your diet.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium and have been shown to lower blood pressure, which ultimately may improve your heart health.

Plus, green (or unripe) bananas may be a great source of resistant starches and pectin, which are undigestable fibers that may improve your digestion and provide food for the trillions of bacteria living in your gut.

Besides that, bananas also contain vitamin B6 and vitamin C. 

One banana each day may be enough for you to reap the benefits of this wildly popular fruit.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Yes, you can eat potatoes and STILL LOSE FAT!

It’s been proven, time and again, that eating sweet potatoes may help you lose weight and strip away body fat.

What’s the secret to this potato power?

Although high in carbs, those carbs mainly consist of fiber, starch, and naturally occurring sugars.

Plus, sweet potatoes contain boatloads of vitamin A, E, and potassium, which is good for eye and heart health.

This is one carb you should really have on your plate a couple times per week!

4. Oranges

This fruit is a little powerhouse of nutrition.

Although the majority of oranges is water, they do contain a good amount of carbs in the form of fiber.

However, that’s not all oranges have!  Oranges are packed full of vitamin C, potassium, and some B vitamins making them ideal for improving all facets of health.

What benefits could you get from this sunshine fruit?

Studies show that oranges may improve heart (potassium) health and could prevent the formation of kidney stones.

And oranges may increase the absorption of iron from the foods you eat, which could prevent anemia from occurring.

5. Kidney Beans

Just like black beans, kidney beans hold a ton of nutrition in them.

They are loaded with carbs in the form of fiber and various starches.  They also boast an ample protein profile, which is important for blasting body fat.

Kidney beans also contain plenty of antioxidants and flavonoids, which your body needs to quell inflammation and boost overall health.

Although they do contain quite a few carb grams, keep in mind the majority of those carbs come in the form of fiber, which helps to control blood sugar, improve digestion, and keep you feeling full!

6. Barley

This simple breakfast “cereal” really packs a powerful punch for your health.

It is a rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that your body can use to lower inflammation, improve digestion, and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Researchers have shown that barley can boost the satiety hormones in your body, which could dramatically decrease hunger sensation.

Barley may change the complexion of your gut bacteria, which could lead to a boost in your metabolism.

7. Quinoa

This powerful grain contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and the essential fats your body needs to stay healthy and fit.

Plus, it contains twice the amount of fiber as other grains, which slows the rate of digestion; therefore you get a slow trickle of nutrients and not a sudden rush.

This could lead to better blood sugar control and less free fatty acids produced and released, which could prevent insulin resistance.

Quinoa is also a naturally gluten-free grain, therefore adding even more benefits to your health.

8. Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a type of pulses that have been shown to improve your health.

Pulses, which are a specific type of legume, have been shown to boost your metabolism and keep you satisfied for longer periods of time.

Chickpeas contain both protein and fiber, which may curb overeating, therefore boosting your weight loss.

9. Dairy (yogurt and milk)

Although you may not classify milk or yogurt as a dairy, it is also a great source of carbs.

Not only do they contain a fair amount of easily digestible carbs, they also contain protein, which could lead to lean mass development and a boost in your metabolism.

A recent study showed that those who increased their dairy intake AND cut calories dropped nearly 1.6 more pounds compared to the control group.

10. Green Peas

Want to know a simple way to boost your weight loss?  It would be to eat more green peas.

Peas are low in calories and contain plenty of potent vitamins and minerals your body needs to functioned at its best.

Green peas also contain plenty of zinc, a mineral that may lower hunger and cravings by increasing Leptin levels in your body—therefore stopping you from eating more.

Take Home Message

Carbs have become public enemy number one when it comes to weight loss and slimming down.

However, all carbs are NOT created equally.

In fact, the five carbs from above may contain all the right nutrients for blasting away belly fat once and for all!

If you substitute your refined, processed, and sugary carbs for any one of the carbs on the list above, you may see some significant changes to your body—including a lean, toned, and trim midsection.




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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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