The 3 Fatty Foods Making A Comeback


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Cerfiied Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

The food you eat plays a very big role in your ability – or your inability – to lose the fat.

For example, eat too much sugar and you may find a spike in your fat gain, unruly cravings, and out-of-control blood sugar levels.

But on the flip side, if you eat a lot of vegetables, you may find your health much improved, better ability to fight off infections, and less belly fat in the long run.

However, in today’s weight-obsessed world, there are many people who shy away from foods because they THINK these foods will make them gain fat.

However, these forbidden foods could be far from the health-destroying foods that they have become known to be.

Editor's Note: There is a very special fat that you
'r NOT getting enough of that could end cravings, speed up your metabolism, and protect your health--all at the same time. CLICK HERE if you want to find out more!

Three Fatty Foods You Need To Eat

There are many people who feel that fatty foods could lead to fat gain.


Well, simply because these foods contain FAT – or a high calorie nutrient, that many believe they are not necessary for a healthy diet.

However, these people who tell you high fat foods are BAD for your health – and fat loss – may actually be WRONG…

Not just WRONG, but DEAD wrong!

You see, there are many high-fat foods that are actually great for your health – and for boosting your fat loss.

In fact, here are THREE high-fat foods that you definitely need to eat more of:

1. Coconut Milk and Oil

Many, many years ago, people warned about the dangers of eating coconut milk and oil due to the high content of saturated fat.

In fact, coconut oil or milk contains MORE saturated fat compared to butter.

But here’s the deal: The saturated fat found in coconut oil and milk contains a type of fat that is extremely beneficial to your health.

The fat in question? Medium-chain triglycerides!  This type of fat is rarely stored by your body and may actually lend a hand at increasing your fat loss.

Plus, medium-chain triglycerides may also help lower total and LDL cholesterol PLUS boost HDL cholesterol, which could add an extra layer of protection to your heart.

End result: Better fat loss and a reduced risk for heart attacks or a stroke!

Read More On How Beneficial Coconut Oil is For Your Health >>

2. Eggs

Another food that people routinely avoid is protein-packed eggs. 

People avoid them because of the high fat and cholesterol content in the yolk. 

So most people tend to lean towards eating the egg whites as opposed to the whole egg…

And this could be the worst thing you can do!  Egg yolks contain only a small percentage of saturated  fats plus, they are loaded with essential nutrients your body needs – such as choline and essential vitamins.

This could actually help your heart health instead of taking away from it!

Including eggs as a part of a heart-healthy diet may lower cholesterol and reduce certain risk factors for heart disease.

3. Avocado

Avocado – the green-fleshed “alligator” fruit – is loaded with fat.

In fact, one half of an avocado contains 15 grams of fat – but in the best form for blasting belly fat.

Avocados are chock full of monounsaturated fats, which research suggests, may prevent the accumulation of belly fat.

Plus, avocados also contain plenty of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to stay healthy.

Slice, dice, and serve with your favorite meal or on top of your salad to solidify your health and boost your fat loss as well.

The Three BEST Fatty Foods for Your Body

When you’re on a diet, you tend to shy away from foods that you perceive as BAD and ones that will increase your fat gain.

However, some of the exact foods you’re avoiding, may actually be the BEST foods for you.

Take the three foods from above…

Although they may be full of fat, they are also full of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

So, for better health – and greater fat loss results – consider including these three foods in your daily, weekly, or monthly nutrition plan.

ATTENTION Men and Women Over 30 Who Are Struggling to Lose Weight...

"Everything You Know About Losing Unsightly Inches Can--and Should Be--Thrown Out The Window!"

Weight loss is no longer about how much (or how little) you need to eat...but more about what's going on inside your body.

It's about balancing out HORMONES--especially the two most powerful hormones you have--cortisol and leptin.  You see, these hormones could be the secret to unlocking the shackles that we call weight loss resistance/

If you want to find out how these hormones are keeping you FAT and UNHAPPY--then simply CLICK HERE to find out more or discover more at the link below.

What will you gain from clicking over?  You're going to find out:

  • How Sherry managed to lose weight and get out of her funk--all while having a busy job, thyroid issues, and coudn't exercise due to an injury.
  • The 2 hormones that are keeping you FAT--and exactly how to balance them out to allow for BIGGER and BETTER results.
  • Why diet and exercise may not be the answer to your weight loss woes.
  • The step-by-step process to losing weight and keeping it off.

Now, you have simply nothing to lose but the inches that cling lifelessly to your body.  In fact, I am the one risking everything.  You see, by clicking the link below, you're going to discover a secret that most "gurus" are furious that I am going to tell you about. 

They are--and frankly I am too--going to lose THOUSANDS (if not more) by simply revealing the reasons why you can't lose
weight and exactly how to fix it.

But I feel it's necessary to your overall health and happiness.  So again, click the link below to discover for yourself why you've been struggling to lose your excess weight:

CLICK HERE To Reveal The TRUE Reason Why You're Struggling To Lose Weight and The Exact Method That Could Strip Inches Away From Your Belly, Hips, and Thighs (and tip the weight loss world on it's collective side)

Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Oct,21 2021Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Oct,21 2021

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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