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Do You Have A Fatty Heart?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES


This is the one three-letter word that strikes fear in the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Either you’re afraid to get fat…

Or you currently live with some excess fat covering your belly, butt, or hips…

This one word is despised by many due to the unfavorable perception it may give you.

But, what if I was to tell you, the fat that is covering your body, may also be killing you…

How would you feel?

Visceral Fat and Heart Disease

There are a few types of fat that currently live inside your body.

You have subcutaneous fat – or the fat that lies directly below your skin – otherwise known as adipose tissue, white fat, or belly fat.

This is what you can visibly see in the mirror, and may release potent hormones that control how many calories you burn or increase inflammation levels.

There is visceral fat – of the kind that lies deeper in your body, under your subcutaneous fat, and usually surrounds your organs.

This type of fat may release dangerous chemicals into your bloodstream that could spike your inflammation and increase your risk for many different chronic diseases.

Then there is something called pericardial fat – or the type of fat that surrounds your heart.

This type of fat is found on the outside of the heart.  Many doctors and cardiologists generally feel that this fat poses little to no significance on your heart health. But are they correct?

Again, visceral fat has been shown to release toxic chemicals that may pose significant risk to your heart health.

But pericardial fat may also increase your risk for heart disease.

In a 2009 study, high levels of pericardial fat were associated with increased triglyceride levels, body mass index, waist circumference, lower HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, impaired fasting glucose numbers, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

And those participants with increased levels of pericardial fat showed an increased risk for coronary artery calcification, with visceral fat significantly increasing this risk.

The authors concluded: “Pericardial fat is correlated with multiple measures of adiposity and cardiovascular disease risk factors, but VAT is a stronger correlate of most metabolic risk factors. However, intrathoracic and pericardial fat are associated with vascular calcification, which suggests that these fat depots may exert local toxic effects on the vasculature.”

Take Home Message

There are many types of fat that currently exist in your body.

And all of them play a role in your health – either positively or negatively.

However, two types of fat – visceral and pericardial – may pose a significant risk to your heart health.

Now, if you want to reduce your risk for having a heart attack, then you need to take the right steps – a proper diet and exercise program – in order to reduce the amount of fat covering your body.

This may prevent your heart attack and improve your heart health, which could lead to many great years ahead!

Is There One Fat That May Protect Your Heart?  Click HERE To Find Out >>

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Rosito GA, Massaro JM, Hoffmann U, Ruberg FL, Mahabadi AA, Vasan RS, O’Donnell CJ, Fox CS.  Pericardial Fat, Visceral Abdominal Fat, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, and Vascular Calcification in a Community-Based Sample.  Circulation.  2008;117:605-613.