Facebook Q & A

Thank you for taking the time to take our Facebook quiz!   In this short Q and A, we answer all the questions from the quiz to help you become a more informed reader.  Although, many things help to improve health and overall wellness, these 10 questions are some of the most commonly asked questions in regards to exercise, nutrition, and fitness!  We hope you enjoy!

Question: Which weighs more, a pound of fat or a pound of muscle?

Answer: Equal

This question commonly is answered incorrectly.  Although muscles LOOKS like it would weigh more, the answer is that they both weigh equal amounts.

A pound is a pound no matter how you slice it!

It is the volume that is different.

For example, a pound of cotton balls would be HUGE compared, to say, a pound of chicken.  But no matter what, they would both equal out on a scale.

The same holds true for fat and muscle.  Volume-wise, a pound of fat would be much larger than a pound of muscle.

So next time someone asks you this question, you will be armed with the correct answer!

Question:  What does the 90% Rule refer to?

Answer: Eating right 90% of the time

The 90% rule means that if you follow your diet and exercise program – at least 90% of the time – then you will notice changes in your body.

It could be weight loss, fat loss, pants fit differently, or any combination of factors.

However, if you don’t follow your diet 90 percent of the time, then chances are you will have a harder time reaching or maintaining your weight and fat loss goals.

So while it’s ok to cheat every so often, make sure you don’t overdo it and derail your completion of the goals you set.

Question: Which is more important for fat loss, BMI or body fat %?

Answer: Body Fat

Although BMI is a very good indicator for your risk for chronic diseases, it may not be as accurate for determining the amount of fat you have lost.

BMI – which stands for Body Mass Index – is a simple equation of weight divided by height.  And many doctors use this measurement to determine how much of a health risk you’re in for the development of a number of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

And the higher your BMI, the higher your risk is!

Body fat percentage, on the other hand, is a measurement of the amount of fat compared to muscle tissue on your body.

In order to determine how much FAT you may have lost on a diet or exercise program, body fat percentage will give you a better measurement of how much fat is currently on your body.

The lower the number = the lower the amount of fat on your body = lower disease risk and possible better overall health.

Question: What is the BEST exercise for increasing fat loss?

Answer: High Intensity Exercise

Although strength and cardiovascular exercise are important for improving overall health, losing weight, and losing fat mass, they may not be the most effective means for burning fat.

But there is one in particular that IS very effective…

High Intensity Interval Training!

This type of training combines short, intense bouts of work, followed by a brief recovery period (anywhere between ONE to THREE minutes) and then back into the hard intense activity.

This type of exercise has been shown to spare lean muscle mass (as opposed to cardiovascular) and use a majority of the energy from fat stores.

Plus, due to the demands placed on the body, your body remains as an elevated calorie burning machine - sometimes up to 72 hours after the workout! This is commonly referred to as afterburn.

So in order to burn more fat – and more importantly –maximize your time at the gym, try a couple bouts of interval training for faster belly fat lose and better overall results!

Question: True or False: Sleep is important for fat loss?

Answer: True

As you know, sleep is very important for normal, everyday functioning.  But it’s also very important for fat loss!

Lack of sleep may raise cortisol levels, which could lead to added fat storage and less fat burning.

And combine that with the urge to eat high-calories, nutrient dense snacks foods (Twinkies, junk food, Snicker’s, etc.) and you may find your weight spiraling out of control.

In order to reverse the ill-effects of poor sleep habits, you should aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, in a dark room with very little light.

So, put your cellphone, computer, or kindles away and know you will be well rested in the morning and burning fat like never before!

Question: Which are the BEST high fat foods for fat loss?

Answer: Avocado, coconut, and olive oil

Yes, in order to burn fat, you need to eat fat!

Fat is an integral nutrient in the fat loss process.

And the foods listed above contain healthy fats that have been shown in research to lead to both weight loss and fat loss.


The fats are either, mono and polyunsaturated fats, which your body uses readily for normal cellular functioning.

Now, you may be thinking that coconut oil is bad for you due to the high fat content.  However, you would be DEAD WRONG!

Coconut oil contains a high amount of fat, but they are medium chain triglycerides which your body burns and rarely ever stores!

That means more fat loss and calorie burning than ever before!

And, on a positive note, healthy fats (like the ones listed above and omega-3 fatty acids) have been shown to boost a potent fat burning protein (Adiponectin) in your body which regulates both fat burning and blood sugar regulation.

So in order to burn fat, you must first EAT the fat!

Question: DHA and EPA are healthy fats that may improve heart health?

Answer: True

DHA and EPA – commonly referred to as the omega-3 fatty acids – are important fats for improving heart health.

In fact, many studies confirm that increased levels of DHA and EPA may lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and may even raise HDL levels.

Plus, there has been extensive studies confirming that these two fats may improve your vascular health (veins, artery walls), therefore lowering blood pressure and reducing your risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Besides fatty fish, you can get plenty of DHA and EPA from supplements such as fish oil and krill oil.

Supplementing your diet everyday with these healthy fats may not only improve your heart health, but may improve all the systems in your body.

Question: In order to build lean muscle mass, _____ is a necessary nutrient?

Answer: Protein

In order to build more lean muscle mass, you need to maintain adequate dietary protein levels.

Protein is full of amino acids, which are the building blocks of lean muscle, and important in preventing the breakdown of your muscle tissue following a workout.

If you maintain adequate protein stores, you may find your body is able to repair itself more efficiently, therefore preventing the loss of your metabolism-boosting lean muscle mass.

Question: You should have 25 grams of ____ per day in order to lower cholesterol and triglycerides?

Answer: Fiber

Fiber plays a very important role in improving heart health, as well as improving digestion.

Fiber, which comes in soluble and insoluble forms, cannot be broken down by your body.

Instead, one dissolves in water (soluble) and wraps itself around food particles while the other travels through your body – undigested – and clears excess waste, undigested food, and bile then excretes it from your body.

Soluble fiber is able to slow digestion and absorption of nutrients, therefore preventing a rise in blood sugar and the subsequent release of fat-promoting (amongst other things) insulin.

Insoluble fiber lowers LDL cholesterol production by removing excess bile from your liver before it has a chance to be made into cholesterol.

Result: better heart health and digestive health! 

Be sure to get at least 25 grams – per day – of fiber for better health.

Question: The BEST time to have both carbohydrates and protein together is?

Answer: after your workout

There is a period of time when your body is receptive to nutrients such as proteins and carbs with very little storage as fat.

And the best time is 45 minutes to an hour post workout!

Your body is very sensitive to the hormone insulin which could allow for faster breakdown of carbs and proteins in order for them to be absorbed by the muscle tissue.

This allows for faster replenishment of vital nutrients such as water, glucose (sugar), and amino acids, which helps in recovery and preventing muscle tissue breakdown.

This should improve performance and build the lean, mean, body of your dreams!

Don’t Take Another Fish Oil Supplement Until You Read This Special Report >>


Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Sep,28 2021Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Sep,28 2021

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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