How To Maintain Your Fat Loss--Even When Eating Before Bed


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

It is 8 o’clock and you’re finally settling in for the night.

And then it hits…

HUNGER!  And not just any old hunger…

The kind of hunger that you know you’re not going to get rid of easily.

You check the time and see that you have at least 45 minutes to wait until you hit the hay.

Should you eat something?

If so, won’t it disrupt your weight loss goals? 

Now, some people will go to bed right then and there and decide let sleep take its toll on the late-night hunger pangs.

But is this is the best decision?

Late Night Eating vs. Weight Loss

For many people, this is a nightly battle: balancing the thought of eating right before bed and the possibility of weight gain the next day.

But let me debunk a wildly popular—yet, unsubstantiated—myth: Late night eating WILL NOT cause fat gain—if you eat the right kinds of food that is.

Sure, if you eat a whole package of cookies or you down a pint of ice cream, then you may gain weight.


If you make better decisions before bed, you may be able to eat something and NOT gain weight.


But you need to eat (or snack) smartly.

So what should you eat?

Great question!  I personally prefer Greek yogurt with a cup of fruit on the side with a small protein shake.

Heck, you could mix everything together in a blender with some ice and make one decadent smoothie.

This could be one of the best options for eating right before bed!

Why you may be asking?

The reason is the type of protein you’ll be getting.

First, you’re getting fast-acting whey protein which will be quickly broken down and shuttled into the bloodstream.

This could result in an increased feeling of satiety due the sudden influx of protein.

To make it even better, Greek yogurt contains another type of protein, called casein protein, that takes longer to break down and be sent into the bloodstream.

And since sleep is the perfect time to repair cells and muscle damage, this slow release of protein into the body could help with repair and growth of lean muscle mass.

But here’s the only thing to remember:

If you’re over your calories for the day, then a shake at the end of the night may not be in your best interests.

Any extra calories above your calorie burn, is apt to result in weight gain.

But, if you’re below your calories for the day, then having a snack or shake before bed could help to satisfy your hunger and lead to better overall weight loss results.

Take Home Message

There is a common myth that you can’t lose weight if you eat late at night.

However, that is not entirely true!  Sure, if you eat foods that pack in the calories, then you are bound to gain weight.

But if you eat the right type of foods—foods that contain protein, fibrous carbs, and fiber—then you may find your appetite suppressed and your weight loss right on track.

A fat busting smoothie that contains both whey and casein protein may be the best “snack” to eat if you get those late-night hunger pangs.

So, if you’re looking to boost your fat loss AND allow yourself to eat before bed, then consider making a fat burning smoothie out of berries, almond (or coconut) milk, Greek yogurt, and a scoop or two of whey protein!


Drink This Simple Solution At Bedtime To Boost Metabolism And Burn Fat From Your Body



About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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