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Is Your Supermarket Holding A DEADLY Secret?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Precision Nutrition and Certfied Personal Trainer

You know what I love

I love a juicy cheeseburger or a nice filet from time to time.

But, as I see it, there is a really BIG problem with my local grocery store.

They don’t carry that much grass-fed beef.

Now, you may be sitting there saying, “why does it matter?”  I’ll tell you why:

Grass-fed beef – not the grass-fed kind that’s “finished” with grain – but the real deal, is just a healthier option for you.  Now, you probably don’t believe me…

That’s why I am asking for a minute of your time so I can explain my point of view!

Grass-fed vs. Commercial Beef

Normally, people run to the supermarket, head straight for the meat department, and grab a piece of steak that looks appealing.

I used to do that too, until I made some pretty gruesome discoveries.

You see, most of the cows that make your “commercial” steak and beef, are fed a grain-based diet with lots of corn thrown in for kicks.

Plus, these same cattle are pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and who knows what else in order to make a fatter, meatier cow.

Now, do you think that those antibiotics and hormones they feed the cattle may make their way into YOUR body?

One would think there is a pretty good chance of that happening!

Now, let’s discuss the diet of these cattle for a second...

Previously, I had mentioned that most commercial beef may come from cattle fed a grain- and corn-based diet.

This diet could change the fatty acid composition found in the meat – and the longer they eat a grain- and corn-based diet, the worse the fatty acid profile may become.

For example, everyone knows that omega-3 and omega-6 fats may be beneficial to overall health.

However, too much omega-6 fats may increase inflammation in the body, which could lead to adverse health conditions.

That’s why it’s optimal to have a lower omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in order to improve your health.

Well, grain-fed beef which, on average, may be fed this diet for 200 days or more – could have a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 of 20:1 (or even greater depending on length of feed time).

That could put your health at pretty serious risk!

So, you want to know why I choose grass-fed beef?

Grass-Fed Beef

To put it simply: Grass-fed beef may be a healthier type of meat to grill, saute, and eat!

Since the cattle eat ONLY grass, they are feeding the way nature intended.  Plus, most grass-fed cattle are NOT injected with antibiotics or growth hormone – which, you would think, could prevent adverse reactions in your body.

This results in lean cattle, with a much different – and better – fatty acid composition.

Plus, grass-fed beef may have a better omega-3/omega-6 ratio!

Grass-fed beef, compared to commercial beef, may have a 4:1 ratio when it comes to heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and the omega-6 fatty acids.

This could be good news for your health!

And grass-fed beef has some other pretty fantastic stuff…

Grass-fed beef, unlike commercial beef, contains a ton of CLA – or conjugated linoleic acid – which has been shown to add benefits to your health by lowering your risk for heart disease and cancer.

Plus, CLA may also improve fat loss – giving it a one-up on commercialized beef.

Grass-fed beef also contains adequate amounts of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant and may scavenge free radicals BEFORE they become an issue in your body.

Plus, higher levels of vitamin E have been shown to prevent the development of heart disease.


If you like to eat red meat on occasion, then you really need to take note.

Grass-fed beef, unlike the commercial beef you find in the supermarket, may be a healthier option for you.

Grass-fed beef, compared to commercial beef, may contain more omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, and vitamin E, which have been shown to be beneficial to your health.

Plus, since the cow's diet is what nature intended it to be, grass-fed beef may have a better fat composition, therefore adding tremendous benefit to your health.

So, if you’re looking to improve your health – and enjoy some lean cuts of red meat – consider switching from your normal commercial red meat to grass-fed beef!

Do you want to improve your Omega-3 ratio? 

Then you should consider getting more of THIS potent omega-3 source into your diet!