Satisfying Your Partner is as Easy as 1-2-3 with These Bedroom Tips

Dear diary,

The other day I met the most amazing man.

He’s your typical tall, dark, and handsome.  He’s energetic…chiseled like a Greek god…and super sweet to me.

But there is a problem….

He can’t cut it in the bedroom!  I don’t know what it is about him, but he just can’t deliver the one thing I need:

The mind-bending, toe-curling, back arching, breathless orgasm!

It seems that he either doesn’t know what he’s doing – or that his “member” just isn’t up to the task of lasting more than 30 seconds.

I don’t want to end this relationship - just because he sucks in the bedroom – but I do WANT TO BE SATISFIED – and not just a dripping hot frustrated mess.

So, here’s what I am going to “teach” him…

Rule #1: It Isn’t About the Size

He is always so worried about the size of his manhood.  And as much as I tell him it simply doesn’t matter- that there are other ways to please me – he just doesn’t listen.

This extra stress he puts on himself leaves him “limping” to the finish line, so to speak.

I want him to warm me up – then after – use that unbridled passion and ROCK MY WORLD!

However, the first thing we need to fix is his “hardness.”  He is always “semi” or it doesn’t “stand at attention” when we’re in bed.

I wish there was a secret…

Rule #2: I’m Not Always READY

He needs to get over the fact that I am not always READY when he is – or shall I say, when he needs to be.

I’m like an oven…

I need to be warmed up before ANYTHING will happen.  A sensual massage…or a sexy compliment…or even something kinky…would do the trick to get the juices flowing.

Then – and only then – will I be so ready for what’s in store!

Rule #3: I Need Him to Be READY!

This is probably the biggest problem.  When I am “ready” and he should be, he’s simply not.

He is not even close to being ready downstairs, which makes the moment pass and my internal passion to dwindle.

I think I will suggest some foods to eat – like celery, oysters, red meat, or oats – in order to get him ready and a willing Xparticipant in the bedroom.

I want him to “swell” with pride the moment he lays his eyes on me.   I think I will let him in on a little secret I recently discovered…

The SECRET To Unbridled Passion In The Bedroom

Sex is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.  But for millions of men, they limp into the bedroom and simply can’t perform like they did when they were in their teens, 20’s, or even 30’s.

Face it, there is a problem!  Your desire for sex…your virility…and your stamina just ain’t cutting it anymore…

…and you want a SOLUTION to your bedroom woes.

Well, the truth is…

You’re not alone!  In fact, MILLIONS of men are in the same situation you are.  They are frustrated…depressed…and unable to fulfill their partner needs.


There are other men – millions of them, in fact – that are able to satisfy their partner over and over again – giving them the toe-curling, back-arching, panting orgasm they have been yearning for!

Their secret…