350mg Of THIS Each Morning Boosts Fat Loss? (not caffeine)
Next to water and green tea, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world.
In fact, there are over 113 million people who consume at least one cup of coffee per day.
It has been shown that coffee drinkers, on average, consume approximately 3.1 cups of coffee PER DAY.
Coffee has been linked to many positive health effects.
It has been shown, that regular coffee consumption may boost fat loss, reduce your risk for Type 2 Diabetes, reduce heart disease risk, and prevent you from having a stroke.
This may be due in part, to the antioxidant profile that is often times found in a cup of Joe.
Recent research has shown that coffee consumption may be linked to a reduced risk for Type 2 Diabetes.
However, other factors, like increased adiponectin levels, could provide benefits to not only metabolism, but for improving weight loss and inflammation levels.
Let me explain…
Health Benefits of Coffee
Coffee is not only full of caffeine, but it is also full of antioxidant compounds, called phenolic acid.
In fact, one cup of coffee may contain up to 350mg of phenolic acid, and the coffee bean itself, is made up of roughly 12 percent cholinergic acid, which is another type of phenolic compound found in coffee.
These specialized compounds have been shown to reverse oxidative stress and damage to your DNA typically caused by free radicals.
Free radicals, which are a normal byproduct of cellular metabolism, may increase low-grade, chronic inflammation levels in your body.
This low-grade inflammation has been linked to increased risk for chronic disease, altered immune response, and weight gain.
Inflammation has been shown to alter the release of powerful weight loss hormones, such as adiponectin and leptin, and instead, release pro-inflammatory cytokines that could further increase inflammation levels.
However, according to numerous clinical studies, regular coffee consumption may be linked to an increase in adiponectin levels and a reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which could boost weight loss and reduce inflammation levels.
Coffee and Adiponectin Levels
Adiponectin, which is a protein exclusively secreted by your fat cells, is responsible for improved glucose metabolism and increased fatty acid oxidation.
Weight gain has been associated with a decrease in adiponectin levels, and to some extent, leptin resistance.
In a healthy metabolism, both leptin and adiponectin levels rise and fall throughout the day.
However, if you are overweight, your body becomes resistant to leptin and your circulating adiponectin levels drop.
Losing weight has been shown to reverse these conditions, potentially altering your metabolism and your body’s ability to metabolize blood sugar more effectively.
Regular coffee consumption has been linked to increased levels of adiponectin, which could boost your fat burning and better blood sugar management.
According to a study conducted on 665 employees in Japan, the researchers showed a dose-dependent response to coffee consumption and adiponectin levels (the higher the coffee consumption, the higher their circulating adiponectin levels were).
The same study further stated that regular coffee consumption (equal to three cups/day) was associated with increased adiponectin levels.
In another study this time addressing diabetic and non-diabetic women in the Nurses’ Health Study, determined that women who regularly consumed coffee, showed significantly higher adiponectin levels, when compared to non-coffee drinkers.
This study also showed a decrease in inflammatory markers, C-reactive protein, and TNF-alpha levels, which could decrease inflammation found in your body.
One other study showed that coffee consumption was linked to a decrease in interleukin-18 (pro-inflammatory molecule), 8-isoprostane (pro-inflammatory molecule), and an increase in adiponectin by -8 percent, -16 percent, and 6 percent respectively.
On a side note regarding heart health, the researchers also showed that serum levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein A-1 increased by 12 percent, 7 percent, and 4 percent respectively.
This study showed that coffee consumption may lead to a decrease in risk factors associated with Type 2 Diabetes.
Power-Packed Bean
Research has shown that coffee contains powerful antioxidants that may prevent heart disease, stroke development, and reduce your risk for diabetes.
Coffee has also been linked to weight loss, especially as it relates to the protein, adiponectin.
Numerous clinical studies show that regular coffee consumption may increase adiponectin levels, which could improve blood sugar levels and increase fat metabolism.
Including a cup of coffee every day, may not only benefit your health and increase your antioxidant levels, but may increase your weight-loss results by stimulating your body to secrete the powerful fat burning hormone, adiponectin.
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Imatoh T, Tanihara S, Miyazaki M, Momose Y, Uryu Y, Une H. Coffee consumption but not green tea consumption is associated with adiponectin levels in Japanese males. Eur J Nutr. 2011 Jun;50(4):279-84. Epub 2010 Oct 16.
Williams CJ, Fargnoli JL, Hwang JJ, van Dam RM, Blackburn GL, Hu FB, Mantzoros CS. Coffee consumption is associated with higher plasma adiponectin concentrations in women with or without type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. Diabetes Care. 2008 Mar;31(3):504-7. Epub 2007 Dec 10.
Kempf K, Herder C, Erlund I, Kolb H, Martin S, Carstensen M, Koenig W, Sundvall J, Bidel S, Kuha S, Jaakko T. Effects of coffee consumption on subclinical inflammation and other risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a clinical trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Apr;91(4):950-957.
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.