How To Naturally Boost Your Metabolism...With Chromium

Your doctor may have warned you.

You may have an issue with your blood sugar control.

Or your cholesterol may be higher than you or your doctor want.

You may already know that you need to make a change.

And this change may EMPOWER you and may increase your WEIGHT LOSS!

So, you set out to lose weight and get healthy.

But there are so many different factors which can be attributed to weight LOSS.

You may already know healthy nutrition and exercise may be keys to weight loss.

But what if I was to tell you that there may be an IMPORTANT nutrient you might lack?

And lacking this nutrient MAY be one of the reasons why you ARE NOT LOSING weight.

But don’t be worried.

You may be able to get this nutrient from whole foods, drinking tap water, or supplementation

And the POWER of chromium may SHOCK and SURPRISE you.

Let me explain…


Chromium is considered to be an essential nutrient.

Chromium has been around since the 1940s, and may aid in many different chemical processes in your body.

Besides supplementation, you may be able to get chromium in your diet by including whole foods and lean meats.

Here is a list of foods containing Chromium:

- 1 cup of broccoli - 22.0 mcg

- 3 oz. cooked, dark turkey meat - 10.4 mcg

- 1 cup of grape juice - 7.5 mcg

- 1 medium waffle or egg - 6.7 mcg

- 3 oz ham - 3.6 mcg

- 1 whole English muffin - 3.6 mcg

- 1 large chocolate chip cookie - 3.4 mcg

- 1 cup potatoes - 2.7 mcg

- 1 whole bagel - 2.5 mcg

- 1 cup orange juice - 2.2 mcg

- 1 cup green beans cooked - 2.2 mcg

Even though it is an important nutrient, some people may be deficient in chromium.

Chromium is one nutrient which may accumulate in your body, especially organs, which may aid in higher metabolic activity.

Your liver, spleen, kidneys, and some bones may hold high amounts of chromium.

But chromium plays a much BIGGER role than you may think.

Let me explain…

One important process in your cells is their ability to utilize insulin due to increased blood sugar levels.

Chromium is a smaller compound in a very important factor that may stabilize your blood sugar.

Glucose Tolerance Factor, or GTF, is a factor found in your kidneys, which may help your cells utilize insulin more effectively.

Glucose Tolerance Factor may maintain glucose levels in your body and may help in insulin metabolism.

One way that it might work is by binding to insulin which then binds to insulin receptor sites on your cells.

This may allow glucose to enter your cells from your bloodstream and use it as energy.

This binding to insulin may increase the activation of insulin three fold.

But GTF does not stop there!

GTF may also help in metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

It may aid in the breakdown of these nutrients in your gut by activating specific enzymes that may help in digestion of different food particles.

Chromium may also aid in cholesterol synthesis

This may lower total and LDL cholesterol, possibly lowering or preventing hypercholesterolemia from occurring.

Chromium, Biotin and Weight Loss

Chromium, taken as a supplement in combination with biotin, may control blood sugar more effectively than just chromium alone.

With more blood sugar being processed by your muscle cells, you may increase your chances of losing weight.

Chromium may not only be good for blood sugar metabolism, but it may also increase your LEAN MASS.

Increased lean mass may result in
a decrease in fat mass

And a decrease in fat mass may lead to increased WEIGHT LOSS.

In one study, researchers noticed that people who supplemented with chromium, in combination with biotin, showed INCREASED lean mass where the other groups showed reduced lean mass.

Increase Your Whole Foods

Chromium is a wonderful trace mineral that may be responsible for different chemical processes in your body.

Processes that may SPEED up your metabolism, BREAK DOWN carbohydrates, fatty acids, and other nutrients.

You might be able to get adequate levels of chromium from a diet rich in whole foods.

The problem is that many people may be deficient in this essential nutrient.

Chromium, in combination with biotin, may increase the power of insulin possibly leading to decreased blood sugar.

And with decreased blood sugar, you may INCREASE your lean mass.

This increase in LEAN mass may BOOST METABOLISM, possibly leading to MORE weight loss in the future.

And this may lead to a fitter, trimmer, you!

NEXT: Here's The Easiest Way To Add Chromium (And Other Fat Burning Nutrients) Into Your Diet >>


Albarracin, CA. Fuqua, BC. Evans, JL. Goldfine, ID.  Chromium picolinate and biotin combination improves glucose metabolism in treated, uncontrolled overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes.  Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2008. Vol. 24(1):pp. 41-51.

McCarty, MF.  The therapeutic potential of glucose tolerance factor.  Med Hypotheses. 1980. Vol. 6(11):pp. 1177-89.

Bahadori, B. Wallner, S. Schneider, H. Wascher, TC. Toplak, H.  Acta Medica Austriaca.  1997. Vol. 24(5):pp. 185-7.

Press, RI. Geller, J. Evans, GW.  The effect of chromium picolinate on serum cholesterol and apolipoprotein fractions in humans subjects.  West J Med. 1990. Vol. 152(1): pp. 41-45.

Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Dec,23 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Dec,23 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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