Exposure To This Can Harm Men AND Women


Ladies and gentlemen, there is a NEW reason to be worried.

Guys, there are chemicals which may be harmful to your sperm.

In fact, these chemicals are SPERM KILLERS.

And ladies, this means if you and your spouse are attempting to have a child and become pregnant, then you may be striking out every time.

Health organizations around the world want to ban this chemical in products.

All because of adverse health concerns it poses in animal models and in humans as well.

This chemical: BPA.

And it is found in EVERYTHING!

What Is BPA?

BPA is a chemical commonly used in plastics, but is found in many other products we use every day.

From daily health care products to canned food linings, BPA is a common chemical that was introduced as a way to maintain food and all its health-providing qualities from spoilage.

The problem: BPA may be linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

And this is a BIG problem!

BPA In Women And Men

Men, BPA exposure may dramatically LOWER testosterone levels and SPERM count.

In fact, a study on Chinese factory workers exposed to high levels of BPA showed a decrease in sperm quality and sperm count.

Exposure led to 3 times the risk of lower sperm concentration and vitality,
and 4 times more likely to have decreased sperm counts

Canada wants to (or already has) labeled BPA as toxic.

Research by the Canadian Health Ministry showed that 91% of Canadians had increased urinary concentrations of BPA, and levels were HIGHER in children between the ages of 6 and 11.

Women, not only can BPA interfere with your man’s testosterone and sperm count, but it also may be dangerous for YOU and YOUR health.

BPA may be linked to polycystic ovary syndrome, which is associated with lower chance of getting pregnant due to increased testosterone levels.

Polycystic ovary syndrome may make it even harder to get pregnant.

Researchers showed a significant increase in BPA in the urine of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

More research is warranted and the exact reason why BPA is higher is unclear. 

Sources Of BPA

So where exactly can you find BPA?

Canned Foods

Canning has been used for hundreds of years as a way to keep food fresh while retaining the nutrition.

However, industry has changed and BPA was introduced as a way to line canned foods which preserved foods better.

It may be shown that BPA may leak into the food, resulting in increased levels of BPA in humans.

Cash Money And Receipts

There may even be exposure to BPA when you handle a receipt after you purchase your canned goods.

Thermal paper, which is common paper used for cash receipts was found to have increased levels of BPA.

BPA can be transferred from the paper to your
fingers then to anything else you TOUCH.

When BPA makes its way into your body, it acts as an endocrine blocker.

BPA binds to receptor sites on your cells, resulting in INCREASED estrogen levels.

In men, BPA blocks normal cholesterol synthesis in the liver, which may inhibit testosterone and sperm production.

Stop The Sperm Killers

Guys, no matter where you turn, there seems to be something which can kill your sperm.

BPA is one such chemical which can kill sperm cells and decrease your testosterone levels at the same time!

BPA is found in everything and further research needs to be done to determine how harmful the chemical BPA is.

BPA exposure may not only lead to decreased testosterone levels and sperm count, but also in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Combating the effects of low testosterone may increase sperm production and mobility.

NEXT: A Natural Way To Increase Testosterone >>


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Kandaraki, E. Chatzigeorgiou, A. Livadas, S. Palioura, E. Economou, F. Koutsilieris, M. Palimeri, S. Panidis, D. Kandarakis,
ED.  Endocrine Disruptors and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Elevated Serum Bisphenol A in Women  With PCOS.  JCEM. 2011. Vol. 96(3);pp. E480-e484.

Bushnik, T. Haines, D. Levallois, P. Levesque, J. Oostdam, JV. Viau, C. Lead and Bisphenol A concentrations in the Canadian population.  Statistics Canada. 2010. Vol. 21(3);pp. 7-18.

Carwile, J. Ye, X. Zhou, X. Calafat, A. Michels, K. Canned Soup Consumption and Urinary Bisphenol A: A Randomized Crossover Trial.  JAMA. 2011. Vol. 306(20);pp. 2218-2220. Doi:10.1001/jama.2011.1721.

Li, DK. Zhou, Z. Miao, M. He, Y. Wang, JT. Ferber, J. Herrinton, L. Gao, ES. Yaun, W.  Urine bisphenol-A(BPA) level in relation to semen quality. Fertility and Sterility. 2011. Vol. 95(2);pp. 625-630. 
Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Oct,17 2021Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Oct,17 2021

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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