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Biggest Food Scams EVER?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I was mesmerized the other day…

I sat there and watched a couple of my friends eat their way through TWO pizzas, an order of wings, and a grossly overpriced order of cheesy bread – in under 20 minutes.

It was during halftime during one of the football games last Sunday!

I was absolutely amazed by 1) the feat of them eating all that food, and 2) the idea that during football games, sporting events, regular television shows, and even in magazines, food images are EVERYWHERE.

You can’t seem to look – or watch – anything without there being some mention of food.

And that got me thinking…

What really goes into your favorite food products?

Food Scams That WRECK Your Fat Loss

There are many things that are wrong with the food industry today. Well, not the food industry per se, but the labeling industry and what you perceive as healthy.

You see, there are a lot of so-called “healthy” foods that really aren’t that healthy for you.

For example, fat-free foods – on the outside – look great, but on the inside, these foods are fat traps in disguise.

Most of these foods are chock full of sugar, chemicals, and other artificial ingredients that make losing fat harder, but gaining fat that much easier.

But I am just getting started.  There are a bunch of others.  Just check out the list below:

1. Foods Labeled “Healthy” That Aren’t

There are a multitude of foods that are labeled – and are perceived – as “healthy” that really are nothing but fat traps in disguise.

Take a bran muffin (or anything that is geared for the health-conscious eater).  On the outside, you see bran and instantly think healthy.

However, muffins are just another excuse for having dessert for breakfast.

Muffins like these contain a boatload of sugar, fat (in the form of trans-fats), and other additives that may completely negate the health benefits of the bran in the muffins.

You would be better off eating some steel-cut oats paired with a veggie scramble to give you the proper nutrition you need in the morning.

2. Items Geared for the Low-Carb Enthusiast

Everyone today is scared of carbs.  They feel that if they eat carbs – in any capacity – the carbs will instantly be turned into saddlebags, love handles, and the muffin top booty.

Well, I have news for you:

If you overeat ANYTHING, you’re bound to gain fat – regardless if it’s a carbohydrate or not.

Regardless, food companies LOVE to gear low-carb alternatives to people, just so they can add a few more dollars to their bottom line.

So why could low-carb be bad?

Well, when you take something out of a product, you need to “fill” it with something else – that could be fat, sugar, chemicals, or some other nasty additive.

And guess what?  If you keep eating those, you may feel your jeans start to tighten – and not loosen – like you’re expecting.

You’re better off eating a small sweet potato and pair it with some lean protein plus some other veggies!

3. The Good Foods Loaded with BAD Toppings

Here is the biggie…

Do you order a salad that is loaded with veggies?  Or do you opt for the Cadillac salad – one loaded with veggies, bacon bits, ranch dressing, cheese, and croutons?

Of course you would go with option number two.

Well guess what?  You just added roughly 500 or more calories to your meal – since you probably ordered something on top of that.

So what should you do?

Get a PLAIN salad, load it with veggies, add a little shredded cheese, and some chicken and viola, you have a lean, mean,
fat cutting machine of a salad.

Also, get your dressing on the side do you can leisurely DIP your salad and prevent too many extra calories.

Take Home Message

Everyone knows that eating right should help you torch loads of belly fat.

But here’s the problem: most of the so-called “health” foods may be adding extra calories to your meal – therefore causing loads of fat to magically appear on your body.

So what can you do?

Here’s a thought: Focus on whole food options – like lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and plenty of fiber – in order to maintain or burn greater amounts of belly fat.

Eating right doesn’t have to be hard…

But eating the right foods – in the right combinations – could drive your metabolism higher and faster than ever before!