These Three Foods KILL Fat Loss


You have kept track of the foods you eat (even gone so far as to count calories)…

…kept track of your daily exercise and steps

…even have tallied up your water intake, servings of fruits and vegetables, and even written your mood down

And NOTHING seems to be working.  The scale has stopped moving…

…the scale is simply moving UP!

What are you going to do?

AVOID These Three Foods

As you know, the foods you eat can make or break your fat loss.

That’s why choosing the RIGHT foods may go a long way for your success.

But, some of the “healthy” foods that you may currently be eating may actually be causing you to GAIN weight – or fat.

It’s not because they are filled with artificial crap (but that IS a problem with some foods), it’s because your body may be intolerant to these foods.

Simply put, these foods may be spiking your inflammation levels, which could easily lead to dysfunction in many of your body systems – including your fat cells.

This could lead to insulin resistance…

…resistance to potent fat burning molecules (such as adiponectin)

…and it’s making it that much harder to get the scale to budge – in the right direction!

So, you’re probably wondering what are the foods you need to AVOID…

1. Corn

One of the WORST foods you can eat would be corn (popcorn included).

Corn is an inflammatory food (meaning it spikes inflammation) which could cause many, many problems in your body.

Plus, it is a higher-glycemic food, meaning it spikes your blood sugar quickly, which results in a faster insulin response.

This may cause your liver to start metabolizing that extra sugar and storing it as F-A-T.

Not good when you want to BURN fat and not boost fat gain!

2. Gluten

Your gut plays a vital role in your body.   It processes the foods you eat and allows them to be absorbed by your body.

Now, gluten may be a major allergen for people, meaning it may lead to some pretty severe reactions.

Gluten allergies or sensitivities are extremely common, and may lead to increased inflammation and other severe health issues.

One reason for this: Your body may produce a protein which may separate the junctions in your intestines, making it easier for foods or allergens – like gluten - to slip through your intestinal wall, creating negative health reactions.

3. Soy

There is a LOT of debate on the health benefits of soy.  For one, it may be a good source of protein.

But, some soy products may be genetically modified and overly processed.

The soy products of today may interfere with the way your body functions.

This may slow metabolism and lead to increased fat gain.

AVOID These Foods at All Costs

Look, you have enough to worry about when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.

You shouldn’t have to worry about the foods you eat causing you to GAIN fat – instead of burning it.

Now, this is a very short list of foods – and there are many others – that you should be avoiding if you want to burn fat.

Not only could these foods spike your inflammation levels, but they could alter the way your body processes foods and how they release potent hormones that may help you burn fat.

So, if you want to boost your fat loss, then you should be AVOIDING these inflammatory foods.

NEXT: Can This POWERFUL Substance Reduce Inflammation In Your Body >>


Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Jul,08 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Jul,08 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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