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Should You Be AVOIDING Low-Fat Dairy Products?

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Do you get your 3-a-day in?

Do you enjoy the rich, creamy texture of that white substance that comes from cows?

Is it REALLY good for you – or just another way to add extra calories and fat to your day?

By now, I am sure you have heard about the campaign for THREE servings a day of dairy for improved bone health and weight loss.

But, new research says those recommendations may NOT be that accurate…

Milk and Weight Loss and Management

Milk drinkers have been told for years that you should get at least THREE servings per day of low-fat milk and/or cheese products.

The reason: it has less fat than regular milk and calcium that may be great for better bone health and increased weight loss.

However, a new study may refute these common recommendations…

The author of the study believes that the common recommendation may be wrong considering the amount of sugar and calories that are found in milk.

For example, two percent milk may contain as many as 122 calories and 12.3 grams of sugar.

And, although it may be lower in fat than traditional whole milk it still does contain fat.

Even though fat is needed for slowing digestion and improving the feeling of fullness and satisfaction, reducing the fat content in milk (or other products) may not lead to overall weight loss or improvements in health – especially heart-health.

And this, in combination with three servings per day, may be leading to even MORE calories and sugar being consumed therefore it may be contributing to the obesity crisis.

What about calcium though?

Although there are high amounts of calcium in low-fat milk, there are plenty of other whole foods (such as legumes, beans, kale, and others) that contain plenty of calcium.

And, including these foods in a proper diet and exercise program may be enough to meet your daily requirements of calcium for maintenance of bone health and development.

Plus, it may also promote greater weight loss (use of lower calorie food options like vegetables), which could further lead to improvements in health.

Low-Fat Dairy and YOU

If you’re trying to lose weight, then the common recommendation is to include THREE servings per day of low-fat dairy or cheese products.

And many people listen to these recommendations.

Now, one pediatrician feels these recommendations may NOT yield the results people want.

He feels that low-fat milk – although low in fat – may be high in calories and sugar which could be contributing to the obesity crisis.

And, including other calcium-rich foods may help you meet your recommendations for calcium with lower calories, whole food products therefore promoting better health..

So what do you think?

Should you AVOID low-fat dairy products?

The choice is yours…

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Ludwig DS, Willett WC.  Three Daily Servings of Reduced-Fat Milk An Evidence-Based Recommendation?  JAMA Pediatr.  2013;():1-1.  doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.2408.