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The WORST Summertime Treats (AVOID at all costs)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer


A time when you’re able to spend time with your family and friends around the barbecue, hanging by the pool, or even running through the waves at the beach.

Whatever the occasion, there is sure to be food involved at some point.

Although many people believe that these three foods are “healthy,” and won’t contribute to fat gain, they would be mistaken…

The Three WORST Summer Foods

Everyone wants to look good during the summertime.

They want to wear tank tops, bikinis, and shorts without having to cover up their belly, arms, or thighs due to unsightly fat.

Now, when you’re hanging out with your friends and family, there’s a good chance you will have some type of food.

Be it homemade healthy food or something that comes from a box or carton.

But, if you want the best for your fat loss – which everyone does – then you should skip out on these three fattening foods.

1. Frozen Yogurt

On the outside, frozen yogurt looks like a very appealing option.  Most brands are fat-free, low- fat, and contain a fraction of the calories you would find in the full-fat fledged formula.

And, if you look at the label, you would find it to be low in calories and fat.  However, take a closer inspection at the serving size!

Normally, you are not going to skimp out on your frozen treat, which ends up packing in the calories, plus additives and chemicals that may lead to fat gain.

If you want to maintain your bikini or tank top body this summer, skip out on your usual drive to the frozen yogurt shack.

2. Commercial Smoothies

Commercial smoothies may just be fat traps in disguise.


Most commercial smoothies have an ice cream base and are filled with added sugar.

They also top the charts when it comes to calories, which could lead to excess fat gain – especially if you maintain your normal calorie intake.

And with the added sugar (from the ice cream and other additions) this could cause some pretty crazy spikes in your blood sugar.

This could intensify your cravings for junk food, may cause inflammation, and could lead to most of the sugar being stored as fat.

3. Iced Tea

What could be better than a nice tall glass of iced tea?

Nothing beats the heat like a glass of crisp, cold iced tea.  However, this is one drink that could cause some serious swings in your blood sugar.

You see, unless you brew the tea yourself, most chains dump boatloads of sugar into their iced tea products.

This could add roughly 20 grams of sugar, which could spike your blood sugar, and boost your fat gain.

If you want a cool glass of iced tea, be sure you brew it yourself and add a slice of lemon to enhance the flavor and refreshment.

This could save your belly in the long run!

Keep Your Body Lean This Summer

There are certain foods that you should be eating this summer to maintain your lean, toned body.

But, these three are not among them!

If you want to maintain your summer six-pack, then avoid these three foods listed above!

This could keep you burning fat all summer long!


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