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Are You Flushing Your Fat Loss Down The Gutter? (3 ways to find out)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

You’re doing everything right

You’re eating the right foods and you’re exercising…

But the only movement on the scale is upwards (if any change at all).

So what gives?

The Reason You're Gaining Weight

There could be a zillion reasons why your weight is going up.

It could be due to hormones…

It could be due to imbalances that occur in your body…

Or it could simply be due to common mistakes you're making at the gym and in the kitchen!

For example, if you’re not working hard enough at the gym (or working your gums more than your glutes), then chances are your body is NOT going to change much.

But this is not the only example that may cause the scale to go in the opposite direction…

1. You’re Eating Too Many Calories

Maybe weight loss is not as simple as the whole calories in, versus calories out.   But this equation still may hold a lot of water – especially if the scale keeps heading north.

No matter how you look at things, if you are eating more calories than you are burning, you’re bound to gain weight.

Too many high calorie options – although healthy – add to the bottom line in your caloric intake.

Adding more than a serving of high-calorie options (think nuts, avocado, coconut oil, flaxseed, etc.), could end up negatively impacting your weight if you’re not keeping track of your calories throughout the day.

So for better fat loss, write down everything you eat and limit the amount of high calories foods – although healthy – you add to your breakfast, lunch or dinner.

2. Maintaining the SAME Workout Routine

Have you ever noticed the people at the gym who do the same workout day in and day out?

Do they ever look like their body changes?

There’s a good chance it doesn’t!

Nothing damages your metabolism and leads to fat gain like not changing up your workout routine.

You may see changes from a workout in the beginning, but not changing it up at all (no increase in weight or new exercises) may cause your body to become too used to the routine.

This leads to ZERO changes in your body!

If you want to propel your fat loss, switch up your routine every few weeks.  You can accomplish this by switching out different exercises or doing more compound exercises (squats for example) to target more than one muscle group.

This could lead to positive changes in your lean mass, which may spike your metabolism and lead to a drop in the scale.

3. Under-feeding Your Body

Nothing puts a cramp in your fat loss like not eating enough food!

Your body needs calories…

And unlike in the first tip, not eating enough may have devastating effects in your body.

You see, when it doesn’t get enough calories, your body tends to hold onto fat and burn your lean muscle mass.

This could lead to a slower metabolism, which could create problems for your body’s ability to lose weight – or more appropriately – fat.

So be sure you supply your body with the right amount of calories to keep it a fat burning machine.

The Tips that Fuel Your Fat Loss

If you have done everything you can to lose weight – and fat – and have been unsuccessful, then these tips are for you.

By incorporating these into
your daily routine, you may find the scale tipping in the right direction – DOWN!

So before you lose all hope in your quest for a leaner, trimmer, and toner you, reset your body, mind, and your metabolism by including these tips.