An Apple A Day…Keeps The Fat Away?


…one particular brand of apple has been shown to keep fat under wraps!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

I am sure you’ve heard it before:

“An Apple A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away.”

But how many of you actually follow this advice?  I am guessing not many.

The truth is: There are many benefits to eating apples.  In fact, there is plenty of research touting the benefits of eating this wonderful fruit.

Some of the benefits of eating apples include:

  • A rise in your antioxidant profile
  • Better blood sugar control
  • Improved digestion
  • Better heart health.

And now you can add weight loss to that list!  You see, controlling your blood sugar may be one of the most important aspects to helping you lose weight.

If your blood sugar is out of control, you’re more likely to eat more, which could lead to excess calories being stored as fat.

Now, in a moment I am going to reveal the ONE type of apple that research shows could lead to a slimmer waistline…less body fat…a skinnier you….

But first, we need to discuss…

How Apples Can Beat Back The Budge

By now, you’re probably wondering how a little old apple can help you lose weight and get you back in shape.

It’s not one…but two different factors found in apples that can elicit this response.

Those two factors are: Phenolic compounds and fiber.

Both of these factors have been shown to protect against a multitude of diseases—including heart disease and diabetes—and may also accelerate your weight loss.

Although both factors are vitally important…the fiber is slightly more important.  You see, fiber slows down the rate of digestion of food particles.

And this could be good for maintaining a normal blood sugar level.


The fiber found in apples, which is non-digestible—could make a dramatic impact on your health.  Not only does it avoid the digestion process completely (enzymes and all)…

…once it reaches your gut, it acts as a type of foods for the trillions of gut bacteria that are living there.

And when they start feeding on this type of fiber, they produce a type of short chain fatty acid that is extremely important for your health.

Some of the benefits of the short-chain fatty acid include:

  • Sustained energy
  • Better blood sugar management
  • An increase in satiety or the full feeling you get after eating

But the fiber does a whole heck of a lot more than that.   It may actually increase two of the most important bacteria’s that live in your gut.

And this not only improves your gut health, but it helps improve your overall health as well.


Choosing the Right Variety Is Key to the Weight Loss Puzzle

You can’t go to the store and choose any old apple.  Yes, they all have phenolic compounds…fiber…essential vitamins and minerals…

But only ONE has been shown to be the key to the weight loss puzzle.

And that type is:

Granny Smith Apple!

But why?  Why would this tart apple hold the key to the weight loss puzzle?

It’s simple really…

Granny Smith apples contain far more non-digestible fiber compared to other apple varieties.   

In fact, studies confirm this…

Washington State University, which conducted research using Granny Smith apples on obese participants, concluded that including this type of apple could lower the risk for disorders that are common with obesity.

They also showed, and this is extremely important, the gut bacteria of those who ate the Granny Smith apples, were the same thin people!

Now, if you don’t get what this means, let me explain…

A few years ago (maybe 20 or so), a study was conducted on mice.  They took the bacteria from overweight and thin people, and transplanted them into specially engineered mice with no gut bacteria.

The mice with the bacteria from the overweight people, gained weight, showed less sensitivity to insulin, and had poor blood sugar control.

The mice with the transplanted bacteria from thin people, stayed at a healthy weight, had good blood sugar control, and had no issues with insulin.

Interesting, right?

Well, it gets better.  The researchers wanted to see what would happen if they transplanted the overweight mice with the bacteria from the thin people.

And it SHOCKED them…

The overweight mice started to lose weight, had better blood sugar control, and were once again sensitive to insulin.


As you can see, your gut bacteria may play a key role in your ability to lose weight and keep it off.

That’s why it’s important that you keep your gut happy and healthy—and you can do so by eating more Granny Smith apples.  

Now that you know the apple variety to choose and why…

There are a few other things to consider…

Like making sure you’re eating a CLEAN APPLE.

I am not talking about running it under water to get the dirt off…no, I am talking about making sure your apple isn’t contaminated with pesticides.

According to places, like the Environmental Working Group (EWG), pesticide residue may be present on the skin of many of the apples that you’re eating today.

And that pesticide may get into your body, where it can cause changes to cells, alter hormones, and even lead to cancer.

That’s why it’s important to eat a CLEAN apple…one that is free from pesticide exposure.  And the only way to do this is by eating organic apples.

Organic apples are seldom exposed to pesticides, which makes it a much healthier alternative compared to conventional apples that you would find in your local grocery store.


How Can You Get More Apples Into Your Daily Lifestyle?

As you can see, eating apples is extremely important for your health and your weight loss.

That’s why including apples every day could do wonders for you.  Not only are they high in phenolic compounds and fiber, they are also low in calories, loaded with antioxidants, and contain the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at high levels.

So how can you get more into you day?  Just follow these tips:

1. Freeze Them—Wash, cut, or slice them, then pack them away in their own little baggies in the freezer.  This keeps them fresh, and makes for an easy snack on-the-go.

2. Apple Sauce—there is nothing better than freshly made applesauce.  However, you may want to skip the added sugar that most applesauce recipes call for.  Instead opt for healthier sweeteners, like stevia or agave.

3. Bake Them—baked apples are one of my favorite things to eat.  The warm gooeyness is comforting, yet healthy at the same time.  Use healthy versions of baked favorites that include apple crisp, apple pie, apple cobbler, and apple squares.

4. Enjoy with a Side—there are a few things that go well with apples.  One is peanut butter, which could give you a boost in protein and some essential vitamins and minerals.  You can also combine it with yogurt to satisfy your protein needs, while getting a healthy dose of probiotics.

The Take Home Message

There are a lot of things you can do to lose weight.  You could exercise…you could count calories…you could watch everything that you eat…

But there is one super-duper easy trick you could start today that could add tremendous benefits to your health.

And that would be to eat more apples—especially the Granny Smith variety!  Apples contain phenolic compounds and fiber that has been shown to shed body fat…control your appetite…and keep your blood sugar under control.

Plus, it could change your gut bacteria for the better, resulting in better weight management.

If you’re looking for an easy snack to include that could dramatically change your body and weight loss results, than including apples (especially Granny Smith apples) would be your best option.


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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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